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For the Freediving Depth Ladies~IUD?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Aug 9, 2021
Hi ladies, I'll am specifically looking for the answer from women who practice depths greater than 40 m freediving. I have an IUD and am advancing to that depth with a desire to go deeper. I had a pause yesterday because I thought of how much pressure we undergo past 40 m and how much your lungs and chest cavity change. I know moving down there has to be very slow in order to avoid tearing importing parts of the body. So suddenly I was wondering about my uterus and my IUD. I couldn't find any research on the internet that was clear, and stopping short of trying to contact some competing female pros and asking them, I thought I'd pose the question to this forum. Do you use and IUD at depth? Do you think the uterus is effected by the pressure in a way that makes using an IUD dangerous if you are consistently training depths of 60, 70 or 100 meters? My imagination is if the IUD is plastic it's not gonna shrink with pressure...but what happens to our uterus and cervix when down there is still somewhat a mystery to me. Any advice or experience helpful. Thanks ladies (and gents if you happen to randomly have some knowledge on this.)
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You could probably ask around to technical scuba divers. The pressure effects on the uterus would be the same as freedivers. I would hazard to say no problems because there shouldn't be air there to compress. It is similar to your outer ear canal. Also Like a person with metal screws from a bone surgery or fillings in the teeth, or ear ring stud doesn't have problems with diving deep and having those items tear up the body. Please post a follow up if you get answers from other sources.
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