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Freedive-a-palooza 2005

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

What kind of competitions should we add to next year's Freedive-A-Palooza?

  • Constant and static events only

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Constant, static, and Dynamic events

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Keep the competiton out of it- fun gathering only

    Votes: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Dairyland diver
Apr 7, 2001
We're looking at July 23 and 24 for next year's
Freedive-a-palooza at Lake Wazze in Wisconsin.

Expect lots of fins, spearguns, scooters, wetsuits and other "toys" to try if you can make. There are pelnty of places to camp, as well as a varitey of hotels to use if that's your idea of "roughing it".;)

In addittion to the recreational side of the event, the USAA is also thinking of sanctioning a regional competition there next year as well. I am interested in how many people would be interested in coming to Wisconsin for a regional competition.

I know that it's not Cyprus, but it is centerally located in the US and there are three major airports withing driving distance to the lake. This could be more of a middle-country compromise for people who can't afford to travel for multiple comp's.

If you are interested, what events would you like to see and what kind of max depths are you anticipating- the deeper we go the more lead time I need to strong-arm enough of my tech diving buddies to work safety for the event. ;)

Expect fresh water with 75 degree surface temps and 40 degree bottom temps. Vis will be around 10' in the middle of the thermocline and over 50' below the thermocline.

If your interested in just keeping a "fun" gathering and don't want to see any competions enter into it, please let me know that as well.


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If you are interested, what events would you like to see and what kind of max depths are you anticipating- the deeper we go the more lead time I need to strong-arm enough of my tech diving buddies to work safety for the event.

I'm certified scuba as well, if that possibly helps..........


On to the question:

I probably shouldn't be responding seeing as how I missed the 2004 event (I forget now what I was up to that weekend but I recall it was something I couldn't weasel out of)

However IMHO I think there are enough comp opportunities here and there, as well as little intra-club and inside club comps too. Freedive-a-palooza sounds like a fun time - try out new gear, meet new divers, and just generally have a blast. I think adding a comp factor would do one of two things: make the whole event longer (thereby making it so some divers won't be able to stay for the whole thing) or necessarily making teh 'events' conflict with each other. For example what if I wanted to try out new gear but couldn't because I was involved in a comp event?

I recently attended an outdoor scuba festival/trade show. I signed up for a nearly-free (by donation) charter, as well as a rebreather demo class. In order to make it to the rebreather class, I needed to limit my dive time on teh charter. It sucked, a bit, expecially since it left me little time to explore the booths or catch up with friends. All too soon the event was over and I felt I hadn't had enough time to do 'everything' I wanted to. (And yes I was there from teh time they opened in the early afternoon)
Perhaps the competition would be advertised as 'totally optional.' That way some people can focus on pure fun.
The competition would be optional. We could have different things going on at the same time in areas of the quarry.

I think that I have enough tec divers lined up to provide support all the way to the bottom, 319', if someone wants to set some kind of a freshwater record. I have both OC and rebreather divers with extensive trimix training who would be interested in providing cover for the competition part of it.

I was worried that if there's a comp running concurrently it would be difficult for one person to adequately partake of activities on both the 'fun' and 'comp' sides.
I don't ever expect to get to go to Lake Wazze, really. But I think freedivers should have a place to just kick up their fins--or not--and have fun.
I'm not particularly comfortable with competition--maybe 'cause I'm a bad sport, maybe 'cause I'm a bad diver, or maybe just because I've had a lot of bad experiences.
When I was a kid--being a "good sport" meant not only being willing to be beaten--but "taking it well"--by letting the other kids laugh at me, letting them beat the tar outta me, letting them steal my money, get me in trouble with the folks--AND--taking the fall for it--covering their slimy little butts, and LIKING IT! I was sooooo turned off by this image of the "GOOD SPORT"--I dropped out of sports altogether--till I couldn't stand standing on the sidelines anymore...so I found something I could do....and I decided to do it for FUN!
Still--I have friends--REAL Friends--NOW--who play sports, and I can't *believe* they'd subscribe to this ( Insert cuss word) image of the "Good Sport"!
Yeah--I'd like to try Competition again--BUT I DON'T WANT IT TO BE A BLOODSPORT--and I don't want to need to win--in order to be "OK."
Anyone Else been through this Head Trip?
Water Rat--who wants to keep her tail--not hand it over to the winner--as a prize--for their and their friends' dinner table!
Maybe if I could enter competition, come in DEAD LAST--and CHEER WILDLY FOR THE WINNER--!!! (whether they appreciate it or not--whether they're my friends--or *even my enemies*--or DON'T KNOW I EXIST!)
AND actually--*mean it* when I cheer!
Water Rat--who must admit--to some jealousy for those comfy in the spotlight--and wants to find a Better definition of "Good Sport."
Here's my First Try....I think Tom Sietas is a good guy--with Great Lungs--even if he screwed up that 8:47--which Water Rat doesn't know if he did or did not! Anybody who can get 20 9-or 9+ minute holds has MY respect! :):):)
I'd love to be there, and will be if I can!

I think freediving competitions are alot of fun, and would love be a part of one at Lake Wazze, however if it was a fun day/weekend only, I'd want to come along just as much!

Wow, did *I* say all that? Sounds so hurt and self-pitying! :(
Yeah--I'd like to try sports again--maybe even competitively--if'n I get the chance---OTHERWIZE--Just for FUN! :):):)
Water Rat
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