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Freedivers in Bermuda

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Jun 2, 2006
Hi is there any freedivers in Bermuda, ant suggestions on good places to go freedive ?
Saw on the maps of Bermuda that there should be a "blue hole" on the opposite of the Grotto Bay Beach Resort hotel.

Thankfull for any help
hi.. yup there are a few of us on here. not sure how often the others are on. I like to think of myself as a bda freediver but i definitely dont get out as often as id like (since i have no boat). Currently ive hooked up with a dive company (dive bermuda) and ive been doing some scuba diving with them when i can, usually in 35-60 ft water. Comin this sat tho ill be switchin around between tanks and free.. so we'll see how it goes

The blue hole near grotto bay isnt too deep i dont think. It was just a channel dug out near the bridge and i believe is only about 20ft deep.

Other than that if you can get a boat, north rock has some awesome sand holes at about 40-50ft... if you want deeper, then some reefs and wrecks to the south of hte island can go from 70 - 200ft, depending on how far you go.
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