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Freediving and Finswimming Distrital Competition, Caracas, Venezuela

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Underwater Sports Fanatic
Jun 6, 2003
Special Dc-sub. March 2006
The days 4 Saturday and Sunday 5 of March it was made in the complex of swimming pools IND Poliedrito, located in the Rinconada, Caracas, the Valid I Distrital de Subaqueous Actividades in the modalities of Apnea and Swimming with Fins in swimming pool, COPA UBV 2006, organized by the Center of Subaqueous Sports of the Bolivariana University of Venezuela (Cedesa-ubv), the Association of Subaqueous Activities of the Capital District (Dc-sub) and with the endorsement of the judges of the Venezuelan Federation of Underwater Activities (FVAS).

In the event a total of 40 athletes participated, representatives of the 3 clubs affiliated with the Subaqueous Association of the Capital District: CASA-ucv, Cedesa-ubv and CHALLENGE VENTURE; as well as of other two clubs members of the Association previously and in process of incorporation again: IIPC and HG with the special participation of the equipment of Infantile Swimming and Youthful PROVINCIAL SOCIAL and SPORT CLUB, whose young athletes put pleasant and different the note, getting up itself for the first time to the subaqueous competitions in Capital District and our country.

The competition included the modalities of apnea in swimming pool: statics, dynamics with fins and dynamics without fins; as well as those of finswimming in the distances of 50mts apnea, 50mts surface, 100mts surface, 200mts surface and 400mts surface. The event, in addition to the official competitions of swimming with fins and apnea also included a clinic and exhibition of Underwater Rugby by the members of the Selection Distrital of this modality and Champions in 2005; as well as the presentation of musical and cultural groupings that make student life in the Bolivariana University of Venezuela.

The most outstanding athletes in this Valid I Distrital were, in the masculine category, Lorenzo Hidalgo of the House-ucv that obtained the first place in the tests of Static Apnea, Dynamic Apnea, Swimming with Fins in 50 apnea, 200 and 400 surface; in the feminine branch, Pink Vizcarrondo also of the House-ucv obtained the first place in the 4 tests of Swimming with Fins in which compitio ': 50 apnea, 50 surface, 100 surface and 200 surface, implanting in this last one prove a new distrital and national record for the modality. Also they emphasized Hirvinds Lopez and Iru Balic, also of the House-ucv with two gold medals each one, Lopez with the first masculine place in swimming with fins in the 100 surface and 50 surface, in this last test with the Best Technical Mark of swimming with fins masculine, whereas Balic obtained the first place in the dynamic apnea with equipment and without feminine equipment. The rest of the tests was dominated by Ruth Flowers of the House-ucv, first place and better technical mark of feminine apnea in the statics modality, Miguel Aponte of the Club of the Pedagogical one of Caracas, first place and better technical mark in apnea in masculine in the modality of dynamics without equipment; whereas Jenny Moral of the House-ucv also obtained the first place in the test of 400 mts Surface with new distrital and national record, as well as better technical mark of swimming with fins in the feminine branch.

The general classification of clubs located to the Center of Subaqueous Activities of the Central University of Venezuela in the first place, followed by the club host, Center of Subaqueous Sports of the Bolivariana University of Venezuela, whereas the third position occupied the Club Challenge Adventure.

More info: http://www.sportalsub.net


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