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Freediving Pinup

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Originally posted by samdive
flattery will get you everywhere erik! I have no idea what you look like or I might return the complement

This is the ONLY pic I have in the computer, so no hassles from the guys please!
Erik Y.


  • erik.jpg
    21.8 KB · Views: 924
Oh Mate, sexy photo !
You really have the male model sneer down pat. Think that one beats Tanya's photo :D :duh

Man, I knew I was going to regret that :head
You each are allowed 1 insult.....line up to the left please :waterwork
Erik Y.
More pictures should be avalable so we could really decide who is the hottest.
But at the moment my vote goes to Tanya. She is really beautifull.


Hey Erik I so didnt picture that as you for some reason :hmm I had this thing in my head that you were going to look Err wayy older :D

Hey Paul I dont give a damn if their married :D Put some more pics up of your misses shes a hottie :eek:

Am I in the right line? Left, right?

What is db's biggest peacemaker doing with ink on his arm? I expected "john tesh + bob marley", not a CK ad.

J/K Erik. That took a pair. Nice to finally put a face on ya. Not a bad idea... Maybe we should all started posting mug shots. I'd post a photo, but give me a few minutes to do some pushups first and suck it in...hahaha.

(this thread is a riot.....it's reads like everyone just finished their 5th pint :) )

Ink good Ted. No ink bad!
I have one on each shoulder, one in the centre of my back, and one big muthha around that one. The last one was in Bali, my 40th birthday present to myself. 8 hours of the worst pain I've ever experienced! That's the last one for sure........:mute
Erik Y.
a true stud

I dunno, but I hear that the guy in this month's Contest photo is a babemagnet! :king

Hey Erik, show 'em your back ink! :cool:
...And I wouldn't mind seeing some more pics of my online amigos.
Tanya in a bathing suit worked for me. Sven?
Erik Y.
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I have decided I will form my own line down the center... ;)
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Originally posted by Erik
Tanya in a bathing suit worked for me. Sven?
Erik Y.

Oh yeah, have me go pro or con in a thread where the gal's hubby resides. :duh She is rather easy on the Speedos though. ;) I find her determination and skill equally attractive. (phew!)

That said, the Riffe sisters have a standing offer at Club Smooth.

Yeah that Julie riffe is a sweetie for sure :p


Ps Cmon paul more Pics :D
Originally posted by icarus pacific
Oh yeah, have me go pro or con in a thread where the gal's hubby resides. :duh

Actually , I was wondering what you looked like in a thong!
LOL! ;)
Erik Y.
Originally posted by Erik
Actually , I was wondering what you looked like in a thong!
LOL! ;)
Erik Y.

EEEWWWW... That is a vision I didn't need in my mind today - LOL :yack
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