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Freediving / Spearfishing jobs ?

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Desk Driver
Dec 6, 2001
I got to wondering ....

Is there such a thing (outside being a top freediver with mega sponsors) as a freediving / spearfishing job? Where you actually get paid to do both / either?

That would be kewl ....

Only one I can think of is commercial spearfishing - where you catch to sell. Or as a trainer .... not really my style.

Any other ideas ?
If you have a good sponsor it can pay you or you can join the special clubs.There is also competitions that you can win some prices. Also you can sell your catches an ordinary spearfishing trips. I know the guy who is his job is spearfishing and he lives in here in mediterenian.

But you must be an extraordinary spearo to do these things.
Hi SASpearo,
Like Murat was saying, you could possible get sponsership from some companies, but outside of europe I don't think you could make a decent living at it. There, the top spearos are like the sports stars are here in the US. So other than moving to Europe and becoming a top spearo or going commercial I don't know of any other way to make a living from frrediving/ spearfishing.
Actually I just thought of another possibility, if you developed your own line of spearfishing equipment, you know, if you could make a gun that could shoot 25'-30' and knock the eye out of a sardine, be virtually neutral in the water and track in every direction like a bare shaft. Of course all of this documented w/ a video that will be sent w/ every gun proving it's accuracy. W/ this business you could spend alot of water time for R&D.rofl
I think best way to collect money from spearfishing is selling your catches. If you are good diver and you have good environment for spearfishing and lots of fish of course you can easily catch 100 lbs fish a day.Some places pay 5 $ for 1 lbs. That means 500$ dollars per day not bad. Its easy money:D

But you can tell that i live in africa they don`t pay that much for the fishes. It is still ok because the money you get is still good for local living standarts.
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