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Frightening speargun question on eBay!

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New Member
Aug 17, 2007
Go check out this question asked about a speargun for sale on eBay....Oh my god.

[ame="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Lanara-Shark-65-unused-spearfishing-speargun_W0QQitemZ320152967573QQihZ011QQcategoryZ19303QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Speargun question[/ame]

edit: fixed now sorry
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Surely there are much better weapons for killing intruders. A speargun would be a bit big, and you only have one shot.
you know what would work better than a speargun- A shotgun, A Handgun, A Beretta CX4 Storm (40 cal) with a Generation 3 night vision scope. Just to name a few.
I prefer a polespear:martial
Go for the eyes , but remove the tip so it hurts more.
Surely there are much better weapons for killing intruders. A speargun would be a bit big, and you only have one shot.
A garden fork would probably be more effective, kitchen knives, cricket/baseball bat, machete, axe,... (don't go sneeking into my house uninvited if you know what's good you).
Reactions: island_sands
Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!! roflroflroflrofl

Nice one Octpora, real nice one!

... oh god... still crying ( just can`t take "the image" out of my mind) :inlove
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If it were a killer 'he' wouldn't go about ebay asking such questions out loud, wording it in such a way.

But I think one is able to hurt the attacker pretty bad, but a firearm is obviously better.

Anyway it also portray's a need for some sort of self defence, a fear of something.

...well....he does live in Manchester!

/geebee runs away

rofl rofl rofl

I would have thought it would be a bit long to mount to get an intruder (timewise). But there again i have never mounted a speargun - whats the quickest time you could put on together (or do you normally keep them all set up)?

(cowering from all the spearos while asking novice questions)
Reactions: Almostafish
Keep em kitted its easier to get the intruders that way rofl
Mind you if you shoot someone in the leg and the barb sticks you can let em run, pull em back kick that bejesus out them and let em run, you can have hours of fun :ko Yes Ive thought about it, its too difficult to get a gun licence here rofl
A security gaurd asked me the same q one day after seeing my guns in my car on a day when I would have gone diving for the weekend after work.
His exact question was where can you buy those things, I want one to use fr self defence instead of a gun you know rofl
I told him well we actually shoot fish with it and he said yea like sharks and things rofl
rofl rofl rofl
.. i have never mounted a speargun - whats the quickest time you could put on together (or do you normally keep them all set up)?
Island Sands -- I'm sure one of the lads on the forum would, eh hem, let you mount their speargun. Can't believe you haven't tried one yet. (I usually store my speargun set up as normal but never loaded - way too dangerous; I can't imagine anyone would. Also, loading one is quite difficult - esp. with 20mm bands).

deep thought - I thought guns were practically mandatory in SA?
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Reactions: spaghetti
deep thought - I thought guns were practically mandatory in SA?

My whole family carried one years back... they have done away with it now. It can turn against you quite nastily in a wrong moment. Also, you have to keep it in a safe at home, especially if you had kids. my brother's opinion is that by the time he has realised they are being broken into in the middle of the night and he has time to get into the safe... it's too late.

They have dogs, alarms, Chubb armed response and live in a secured electrified fenced estate, and the upstairs part of the house where the bedrooms are is gated with a wrought iron gate which separates you from the rest of the house and you could only get in if you welded it off the wall. I slept in his house over xmas (alone), secure as hell, but still couldnt sleep rofl

Woke up at every fall of a leaf or patter on the roof
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I seem to remember a thread on a spearo forum about some bloke that shot an intruder with a speargun.

I think he went to court but got let off due to the fact that the intruders were armed with knives and the home owner had already been stabbed.

I'm sure somebody with a bit more computer knowledge than me can find it and point us all in the right direction.

Or did I dream it?????

Confused of Dorset.
They had a spate of forgery & gun crime on & around NW Highway in Chicagoland (suburbs) while I was there. There had been a decapitated body near a rail line in a nearby neighbourhood, considered to be one of the two most desirable areas! I started to think about getting a weapon after the senseless slaughter of all the staff (& pos. some customers?) in a Brown's Chicken restaurant which I drove past most days. One more incident would probably have been enough. Although it occurred to me that maybe it was time to move somewhere less violent. (They caught the forger shortly afterwards, just a few blocks from my new house - he had his equipment behind a false wall in his garage. Don't think they ever caught the shooter(s) from Brown's Chicken though).

BTW ice axes, ice picks, hammers, mallets & golf clubs are other items that you might find around your house for defensive purposes (best leave the spear gun out of harms way I reckon ... don't want to get this pursuit a bad press).
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I don't see why the question is so laughed at, it's not a dumb question. Why not use a speargun as a weapon on land? I'm very much against any 'defensive' weapons (whether knife, gun, or speargun). However, I don't see why a speargun is 'worse' than a regular gun. Certainly a 30cm pneumatic would be totally lethal and extremely accurate and easy to aim, not to mention extremely quiet. In fact for that reason alone I find it inexplicable how spearguns are less regulated than other types of guns.
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