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Frightening speargun question on eBay!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Those who can't do, teach.

If i can't be spearing a fish, [due of course to a visitor] I may as well teach them some lesson. The point is not about lethal quality, but whether the bloody knob has learned anything.

spearings are not so uncommon in this world so as to be shocking, but a good spearing is always enlightening
has anyone ever speared a chicken ? I mean, my goodness it puts em right out. and if you rig with a taser ; voila , cooked to boot
i think ill take the .357 magnum in my room over a spear gun any day of the week, but i may have to try that chicken idea.
you know what would also be interesting to try is swimming up about 10 feet or so beneath a duck and then shooting it with your speargun from below. thats been on my to do list since about july.
Island Sands -- I'm sure one of the lads on the forum would, eh hem:eek:, let you mount their speargun.

Sands honey ill voluntarily relinquish any of my spearguns for your personal and private use rofl

lol just kidding hun, too be honest I own a glock 23, and I heard my dogs going balistic the one night, I ran to my safe (mandatory in SA) opened it and got my firearm out just to realize that the clip is still in my car. ( I never drive loaded with it, since I would take out the local taxi's at will) and the next best option was my 1m Rabi, locked and loaded 30 seconds later I trotted outside like a true moron walking around my house.

The neighbours must have had a good laugh at this guy with his big ass speargun and his ridgeback walking round his house 3am in the morning.
Ive also had one of those roflrofl
I dont have a glock so I went straight for the speargun, we heard something on the roof and consequintly the dogs went insane, ran outside with gun and mag light rofl.
Oi perhaps Ill buy that 270 afterall, then I can pick them off on the run at 300m rofl
lol wanna have a power head made up and we can sort them out proper lol
You guys are making me real glad I don't live in SA. A baseball bat is all I need here.:martial Well I probaly don't even need that but because I own a shop it is just peace of mind. I call my bat 'Mr. Wacky'rofl
that sucks that you have to have a safe i just keep my gun hidden im my closet so i can have it out and ready to go in a matter of seconds.
oh by the way wooperhead, how do you like your bretta storm? i'v heard their good guns.
lol in SA you shoot a guy thats busy breaking into your house and doing unmentionable things to your family ..... You are the one that gets into trouble .... so a good gun is a nice to have but needs be accompanied by a brilliant lawyer.
I have two words for the security folks, BAG STICK.
Worlds of wonder in the waters

These babies work wonders on thieves, burglars and menacing seals. An ear popping bang followed by five seconds in a cloud of blood while you relish revenge for all the fish you lost to furry Fu#$’s and all your problems are solved.
Remember to dispose of unwanted bits and peaces.
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