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Give me some tips to succeed with my online classes!!

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New Member
May 22, 2008
[FONT=&quot]Hey guys, [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I enrolled for online classes a while ago and I’m trying so hard to stay on top of the game. I’m finding it hard to stay motivated and concentrate on my lessons. Please help me with some tips to succeed and perform well before I give up! I know I can score good marks in exams but there’s so much distraction from other things . Thanks in advance.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Hey guys, [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I enrolled for online classes a while ago and I’m trying so hard to stay on top of the game. I’m finding it hard to stay motivated and concentrate on my lessons. Please help me with some tips to succeed and perform well before I give up! I know I can score good marks in exams but there’s so much distraction from other things . Thanks in advance.[/FONT]

well the internet is a huge distraction :D like these forums... welcome to forum, but get off it if you want to concentrate on your exams! :) give yourself 2 hours a day for your surfing and take a complete break from studies. Then go back to it.
Hi Amie,
What level are we talking here - high school, undergrad, grad? For any of those, a short break, a stretch, a walk in the fresh air, give your eyes & thoughts a break. Two lecturers suggested taking a shower if your mind is really fatigued. Get plenty of sleep. I have some suggestions for undergrad & grad. level grad. level work -- but not really applicable otherwise & potentially harmful (no drugs involved though).
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