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GOOD STA, poor DYN and no lactic acid symptoms

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It is because being static does not have the muscles work hard, consuming O2. The DR prevents the muscles from using the remaining O2 in the bloodstream.
Aha,ok i understand what you say..but bradycardia an other component of Dive Response does not play an important role in Static?
I think bradycardia does help, but I don't know how much. One think many people forget is that heart rate is not the most important thing. The important thing is what bradycardia helps in accomplishing, a low blood flow.
It's no use in having a low heart-rate, where the heart is pumping a bigger volume of blood per beat.
I've seen some HR graphs, and have seen a few where people doing 7' start with a HR of around 80 for the first 3 minutes. Then their HR start to gradually drop down to a low just under 40. My HR follows a more bucket like profile.
So do no reason to worry if you have a higher HR then a well trained apneist, perhaps yours is more like a light engine needing to make more revolutions to displace the same volume of blood.
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Yes,it makes sense. So the general conclusion is that a strong DR is an advantage in Dynamic disciplines.
I'd say the conclusion is the before mentioned trend that strong DR is MORE important in dynamic disciplines than in static, but still also important in static although less so. One does not discard the other.
Reactions: Kars
I would say a Strong DR most beneficial in dynamics.
A tiny bit less beneficial in human powered depth disciplines, because water pressure also helps to reduce blood flow to the limbs! (CWT, FIM, CNF, VWT)
And again a bit less in Static.

But a good DR is very beneficial to ALL freediving in general.
That low HR thing is a very common misunderstood aspect, so good you mention it.

Yes,of course is important in ALL disciplines! Thanks for your answers!
Have the same problem, read all comments but still didn't find a solution. I have only one tought about it wich I took from a great book of Nataly Molchanova about freediving: "while you are new in freediving - go to the pool and swim. Swim 2 years. And only then start your training in apnea. But continue to swim.." I think it means you have to increase your stamina performance, slower your heartbeat and metabolism and only then start doing the tables, go to the gym, scretch yourself..
I think I/we are dealing with a given, genetic feature set. You can adapt your strategy, but still people with more favourable genetics will benefit equal or more.

Having a good stamina performance is good, but having a pro level stamina performance is not better. Although it reduces recovery times.