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Grouper in Goa

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me and the deep blue sea
Jan 1, 2004
Caught with about 4 feet of visibility in about 10 metres of water, freediving of course! in a fast flowing river about 3 kilometres from the sea river mouth. Ive no idea what species.... someone help me out here? the locals call it a Gobro. It was about 18 pounds. Shot with a Mares medi sten pneumatic gun, no reel, no float.

This is a mate of mine in the picture, Gilbert Fernandes, a spearfisherman for many years. He lent me the gun I used for my first ever hunt years back (I caught nothing that day and for a long time thereafter, believing somehow that by floating on the surface a big fish would come along and let me shoot it). Hey Gilbert haven't things changed! and thanks mate for holding the fish for the photo, it looks so much bigger in the photo with you, than in the photo with me.

23rd March Goa, India.



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Same grouper with me this time,



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Nice fish!

Man, I just saw a documentary about bull shark swimming up in those Indian rivers and biting the crap out of villagers that wash and work in he river.

Respect to you guys for diving in that chocolate soup.

Dive safe,

I dont fancy the idea of a bull shark encounter although I suppose with 4 foot visibility you wouldn't see it coming.... as for the chocolate soup ...... yeah they use the river for everything and I mean everything, many times Ive surfaced at the river bank metres away from somebody taking a crap, not the best thing for concentration and calm (I must remember to get an anti-syphon snorkel)

Truth is I can't ever imagine not spearfishing, here and now nothing will put me off it, no bull or shit !

Cheers David
nice pictures

Gilbert Fernandes--

sound like ispanish name?? buena pesca

nice picture hey that was taken in india??

how is the spearfishin there?

I want to know more

kyunki parmeswar ne sansar se aisa prem
kiya ki apna ek lauta putr sansar ko de diya, ke jo
koi us par vishvas kare nasht na ho par anant jivan
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Spear fishing in India is a little unusual... the waters are quite heavily fished by guys with small shore nets, teams of guys with large shore nets, guys in canoes, guys in trawlers and Japanese catch everything boats, but there are still good fish to be caught. India is one of the wildest places on earth so its a good fun place to be for me. I stay in a small traditional fishing village, the canoe fisherman got their first outboards about 5 years ago.....
The water is warm, I never dive with a suit on, the viz is rubbish.... shore diving gives at best 4 metre visibility, often vis is less than a metre, the river is worse, I am a low viz expert! I always shore dive, I have no boat! its always low key and very low tech, my float is a 4 litre drink bottle, I made a fish stringer needle from a plastic chair leg! I laugh when I read the postings about this piece of kit and that piece of kit... I get by but its not hi-tec spearfishing!

I love spearing in the mediteranean where the visibility is endless sometimes but India is a real adventure.

As for Gilbert Fernandes.... well Goa state (india's smallest state) was a portuguese teritory and many of the locals were converted to catholicism 300 years ago and along with that went taking Portuguese names... Almost everyone in his village is a Fernandes or a De Souza!

India's got a massive coast line probably more than 5000Km and Ive got a lot more fishing left in me..... next year I want to buy a boat.... we'll see

My spearfishing float and Joachim (nick-named 2 rupees because when he was little he stole 2 rupees of his dad)

Low technology!



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Hi David where you are originaly??

probably more than 5000Km and Ive -

I know that'' hey Im happy to know about india and about the spearfishing there of course you going to get you boat--

that picture remember me cuba-- sometime with have to spear with only one fin-- or whatever we get - I do practice now freediving I used to spear since I was a kid

also I want to tell you that I have a burden for people from india my heart is with indian-so

saludos and blessing

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