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Happy 21st Birthday DB!

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Stephan Whelan

Papa Smurf
Staff member
Jan 7, 1999
DeeperBlue is 21 years old this year!

Check out the amazing "History of DeeperBlue" article written by Scuba Diver Magazine: https://www.deeperblue.com/deeperblue-21-started/

To help celebrate we want to hear from you... we want to know your stories that about how DB has helped you over the years. Comment below or drop us an email to hello@deeperblue.com

DeeperBlue - 21st Anniversary.png
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Happy b-day! :)

I'm not a very long time user of this forum, but I think that there is a helpful and generally speaking very good tone between the users in DB.

Some of the other forums might have higher traffic, but you have to plough through heaps of pure shit to get to something out of value, not to mention the very unpolite and uncivilized manner between the members and the crazy conspiracy / racist stuff allowed.
Congratulations on the coming-of-age of Deeper Blue! The place to go online to exchange facts and opinions about all forms of breathhold diving and be heard with courtesy and respect.

According to the Internet Wayback Machine at http://web.archive.org/web/19991128040057/http://deeperblue.com:80/, the URL Deeperblue.com was the place to go in November 1999 because:


Here's hoping that we still make sweet music together whenever we swim underwater, or converse about doing so, and that we are especially harmonious today as we sing "happy birthday" to celebrate the anniversary of a great forum and the people who make it a great place to visit as we surf the Web. :)
Ha! Well in 1999 we were known as DeeperBlue.net!

It was only in 2010 we got the .com domain :)

Congratulations on the coming-of-age of Deeper Blue! The place to go online to exchange facts and opinions about all forms of breathhold diving and be heard with courtesy and respect.

According to the Internet Wayback Machine at http://web.archive.org/web/19991128040057/http://deeperblue.com:80/, the URL Deeperblue.com was the place to go in November 1999 because:


Here's hoping that we still make sweet music together whenever we swim underwater, or converse about doing so, and that we are especially harmonious today as we sing "happy birthday" to celebrate the anniversary of a great forum and the people who make it a great place to visit as we surf the Web. :)
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Happy 21st! I think I must have joined around the time of your 10 year anniversary - it already seemed well establish by then with numerous characters and venerable members. I agree with SubSub, though the exchanges and debates have sometimes been lively, it has been a civilized place for the most part (and when it isn't civilized, it is colourful!) and there has always been useful information and helpful, friendly folk around, willing to chat, make suggestions and provide insights. I learnt to spearfish here (and in the sea of course!), for which I will be eternally grateful. It's a good place. Thanks Stephan :)

[Foxfish, suggest that you follow my example and be 24 years old for ever more ;) ]
Happy B day. I've never posted here,but its interesting to hear what people have to say from the other side of the big water

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Better late than never :) I remember Deeperblue.net. Joined up around the time a certain famous freediving woman passed away during a record attempt. There were lots of other discussions going on, so I stuck around. I've learned a lot here. This forum is truly a special place.
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My first post here...just to say a Big Hello And Happy B.Day to a great site with a lot of good advices! {just trying to give the spearfishing a go for the first time}. Thanks guys!
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Thanks to everyone who has devoted their knowledge and time to contribute to this great forum. It has helped me a lot through the years and its fun to know my favorite website is same age as me :) Thanks guys, happy birthday!
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Happy BD DB!

I'm new here but have already found many valuable tips in the spearfishing area.

Thanks for the great admin and system up keep, much appreciated!
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I do not know when I registered first as this is my second account, I think my first one got lost somewhere along the way. By DB was my first place to interact people with same interest and place which helped me to improve my English language as well. It also helped me to understand a lot about the sport and keeping an open mind about everything related to sport and people associated with it. I think I should be one of the first members of the form. It still feels like yesterday when I was online in the form 24/7, I was so young, and life was much easier back then :))

Happy birthday DB!!!
DeeperBlue is 21 years old this year!

To help celebrate we want to hear from you... we want to know your stories that about how DB has helped you over the years. Comment below or drop us an email to hello@deeperblue.com

View attachment 43942
Hi all, the forums have become my go to spot whenever I'm around a wifi signal, can't even begin to describe the impact they have had on my diving and SpearFishing. Being able to take in all the opinions and options on technique and gear has been so beneficial, the site is just incredible . HAPPY 21 Deeper Blue!
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Happy birth day!
I was searching information about inverted roller guns , couse ı had an old teak gun and wanted to change it into a invert roller.
While i was very close to give up , i found DB forum and read all about spearguns , calculation etc. I asked about my confusions and had very clear answers. İn a short while i made it , changed my gun to an invert roller. After that , in my first dive with that speargun , i got a dream denton. Thanks to DB and very helpful members of it. İt is very good site that gathers freedivers an spearfisher together all around the world. Hi from Turkey to all DB family. Dive safe.
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Happy birthday guys!! All what you do here is great and very helpful for our community. Love the forum and its topics. It helps to divers and companies as ourselves. Thanks for making this platform and hope we can continue sharing great moments in the coming times.

All the best
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It must have been around 2006 that I started lurking deeperblue.net - for me the first contact with actual freedivers, living by a lake devoid of freedivers (or so I thought then), I wanted to learn and to connect.

Sooner or later (I suspect sooner), I joined the conversation and had the exquisite pleasure of meeting an exhaustively long list of fellow freedivers and spearos and learning, learning, learning.

deeperblue was then instrumental to get me started, when a few of us came together at my lake for the epic Deeperblue Spring Jam in Constance, where I ended up meeting not only the first real-life freediver (IRL, not on a forum), but also a bunch of people who left memories and stories for a lifetime. --

I just read up on this adventure, it was on March 17th 2007: https://forums.deeperblue.com/threads/a-formal-invitation.69952/#post630760

I had the honour of meeting Papa Smurf and BennyB in London, being a deeperblue forum mentor and even teaching on a deeperblue summer camp in Kalymnos, where I met some of the names I'd only known online for the first time, saw my first mermaid - hantmcg - and picked up enough experience from people like daveking, to keep me busy for a career in teaching freediving until today.

I can't begin to list the names of all the people here I'd still like to meet and I've apparently been hypoxic enough to forget most of those days, all with some remarkable 10 years in between, 10 years for which DeeperBlue and the wonderful people in the forums hold my gratitude.

Now? - Still sharing a house with silkyshark, got a few more continents to meet BennyB on, yet to meet our common favourite island_sands, and so many more.

I issued a formal invitation for DeeperBlue members back in 2007. Let me give a shout out to DeeperBlue 2017. Come say hello! I might not have the home to house you any more, but I am certainly looking forward to meeting you!

The list of handles here brings up fond memories; in no specific order - Adrian, covert, MrX, joe123321, podge, Pastor, rbsub, rslomkow, Mundial, Marwan, Diving-Kai83, M@trox, jaybocca, waterenthusiast, and so many more I'm not going for an exhaustive list, if you're not here, that's just me, writing at 2 in the morning. :-D

Here's a very happy birthday to DeeperBlue and a big shout out to you people in the forums!

I guess, I'll have to look for pictures, right?
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