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Has anyone tried the swordfishfins' wakizashi monofin yet?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
May 8, 2023
Their CEO was active on these forums last year and promoting their new wakizashi monofin.

This year however no replies at all on queries about the monofin. Me and my friend would like to purchase one but we don't know if it's a scam or not

I inquired on the fin and received good responses back. I am still interested in one but still on the fence. Look under the Swordfish Modular Carbon Fibre Monofin post and you should find the discussion. I really like using my standard carbon monofin but a fin that is not a boat anchor looks very attractive.
Cant't lie about it being very nice looking indeed.
But I've read that post too and that was what I meant with them being active here last year.
I've sent them questions about the fin (manufacturing times, why on their site it is still on pre order etc.) since start of this month but have yet to get any replies from them.

My other friend has already placed an order for one a few weeks back but has not heard anything from them since.
It would be good to hear if they get any feedback, I am still considering this type of fin and everyone else has dropped off the map.
I do believe they are scammers honestly. My friend who purchased it has kinda given up with it since it has been over a month now and no answer. He tried to contact them through their email and socials to no avail.
Quite sad to see no one do legit unique monofins anymore.
I wouldn't go so far to say they are scamming anyone, if they didn't have sales as expected their business can very well not be up to a production capacity or more severe hardship. After all Lunocet still has a website but at least they plainly state they are not taking orders. If the product isn't competing with price and availability with other monofins we might not get to see it on the market.
I wouldn't go so far to say they are scamming anyone, if they didn't have sales as expected their business can very well not be up to a production capacity or more severe hardship. After all Lunocet still has a website but at least they plainly state they are not taking orders. If the product isn't competing with price and availability with other monofins we might not get to see it on the market.
I truly hope you are right but taking customers money and not informing them about potential problems or answering their emails does not paint a good picture of them.
They should have updated their website in case of these mentioned problems and or better yet, do the same as lunocet.
Atm there is no info of anything.
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