hello everyone,
i've trained to open my eustacian tube a full year, once a day, and sometimes 30 min long. After 3 month i manged to hear clicks, btw cracking, by moving some muscles (have no idea which one). And after diving every day ( 2 weeks long ) my eustacian was opened for 30 min
After i managed how to click, btw to hear clicking, i learned to equalize my ears in the air ( 8 month ), i needed first 3-5 pushes to equalize with same result as with frenzel in the air. Now i'm on Malta and dive every day. I meet one who can equalize handsfree, we were diving together for 2 weeks. He explaned me his feeling by equalizing, and how he does it. At the time i could hold my eustacian tube opend for long time (head up or down, no matter) and by breathing throw my nose i could equalize without any problems (in the air).
Then i took a day only to learn equalize efficient. I dived down to 2-3m without equalizing and tried to open my eustacian tube by same technique as in a air. And it works without any problems. Then i tried to go deeper. I noticed that no matter which technique i use to equalize, i have always problems with my left ear :waterwork even with frenzel, valsava, mouthfill ... it takes always 1 sec. longer to equalize than the right one, so that i have mostly slow descent.
Are my ears different?
btw perheaps is something wrong with my left ear, because after 3-4 dives i cant equalize. I have to shake my head, and it fills like the water comes out of it
whats wrong with it ? :waterwork does anyone have the same problem?