Hi Basco,
Progressive Deep Muscle Relaxation is a purely western approach to relaxation. It was developed bly Edmund Jacobson, back in the earlier part of the previous century. It works on the basis of tensing a muscle and then relaxing the muscle. When this is done the muscle goes to a more relaxed state than before.
Letting Go of Tension; this is also best practised after a walk or after you have been working on your breathing. The idea is to take a breath and hold it, while tensing some part of your body, perhaps your right hand, then letting go of the tension when you breath out. It is good to go through your whole body this way. First start out with just your right hand, attempting to let the rest of your body be relaxed, then move to your left hand, breathing in and tightening it, hold it briefly, and then letting go when you breath out.Next go to your shoulders, lift them up and hold it as you breath in, then let them go asyou breath out. Next work on your back, pressing it into the back of the chair, once that is relaxed, go to you bum, tighten up your bum muscles, and then let them go, feel yourself sinking into the chair or bed. Now move onto your right thigh, tighten it, then let it go, then move onto your left thigh, hold the tension until you breath out. Next go to your right calf, tighten it and hold it, but only as long as you hold your breath, then let it go. Now do the same with your left calf. Lastly do each foot individually. It may take a bit of practise to do this. It is called Progressive Deep Muscle Relaxation. The idea is to only tense the target muscle group, letting the rest of your body be calm.
If you want to give this a try do so, it is pretty non yoga and quite intensional. Do not tighten a muscle group too much, but enough so that you can feel a good solid stretch.
Best wishes,