Hi Elevator man (Otis?). You obviously have a good natural ability, so just get in the water and dive! However, in case you're not aware, we all try to look out for each other on this forum, so please allow me to give you a few safety pointers in case you haven't heard them before.
As SASpearo (is that like the SAS commandos?) says, first and foremost, get a buddy to alternate dives with up, one down, making sure your buddy gets to the surface, then watching him/her for 20 seconds before you dive....he/she can blackout after reaching the surface and appearing fine. If you're buddy blacks out, keep his mouth closed until he's at the surface, then remove his mask and tell him nicely to breath....keep his face out of the water until he wakes up. More than likely he will, but if he does not wake up and breath after a minute or so, then start rescue breathing, which you are trained in since all divers are, right?
Secondly, watch your depth, since you will descend faster as you go deeper due to the collapse of your lungs and wetsuit (if wearing one). Try to wear an amount of lead that will make you positive at 5 to 6 metres so that if you BO on ascent, you will hopefully float to the surface and not sink back down. With the increased descent speed, be careful with your equalizing.....better to be diving on a line or anchor line if you're unsure about your ability to equalise FAST!.
Do not freedive immediately after scuba diving....this is an invitation to a wheelchair. If you scuba with a computer, then wait until the computer clears your nitrogen level. If you dive with tables, then wait 6 hours before freediving.
Fourthly, enjoy yourself....that's the easy part.
Fifthly, and very importantly, post your experiences on these forums so that we can share your experience and steal any ideas you might come up with!
Have a good holiday,
Erik Y.