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Honeymoon in St. Lucia

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Spongebob's body guard
Aug 27, 2007
I am going on my honeymoon in St. Lucia during late October. Does anyone have any sage advice for a first time traveller to the caribbean? We will be staying at the Windjammer resort. DEFINITELY bringing my cameras Probably not the speargun though...don't know how well she would take that . "Hey honey, I love you and we just got married and all...BUT DID YOU SEE THAT GROUPER????" .:chatup crutch
Spent my honeymoon in early august this year in Antigua. Great really brilliant. Went snorkelling every day for 2-3 hours. I even managed to get wife into it. Take mask, snorkel and fins for both of you the hotel stuff was crap plus it gives you freedom to when and where you want. If wife not into it even waist deep water plenty to see

My one tip is to avoid the organised trips with lots of people. we went on one where they tried to get me to wear a lifejacket to go snorkelling!!! My one tip to go for is the Rum Punch....hic hic I also went out on a tank dive with one of the dive centres and that was well worth the $100 for 3 reef dives.

It was my first time in the carribean and I was amazed at the water temperature, no need for a suit even at 80'

Have a great time

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