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How about sporasub?

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freshwater fanatic
Aug 28, 2005
I've heard alot of talk about rife and omar guns but what about sporasub? they seem to have pretty good guns. I was thinking of getting a 90cm sporasub black viper. Diver Joes sells them for $150 or less and I'm 15 so my budjet is limited. Standard hunting conditions here in utah are 5-30 feet of visibility depending on the lake where you are in the lake and the time of year
the biggest fish I'll probably be shooting are carp which usally dont get to mutch over 30lbs (15k) at the max. Any imput would be welcome
Someone mentioned in another post that they wolud be be discontinuing the black viper. Not sure how accurate it is but best follow it up & ensure they'll have parts before you commit
There have been many, long and controversial threads about this on the forum. To make it short:
it's a good gun, but it has a manufacturing defect (a gasket doesn't hold) so that water gets into the barrell. To solve this leaking problem, you have to dismantle the muzzle and fix it to seal the barrel from water (you need a cork, a little silicone glue and an iron file).
Done this, it's a very good accurate railgun, excellent for people with small hands.
--My suggestion: for hunting freshwater fish with such a short visibility, a 75cm is better than a 90.
You can still buy Black Vipers where retailers are holding stock still, mainly in Europe I think, but it is now a discontinued model. It is a great gun but tighten the muzzle screw at end of barrel with a long blade screwdriver to properly seal the barrel as for some reason it is not done before they leave factory. Bad Q.C. :confused:
hey, spaniard, we're back to it! HA ha ha!
However for Colt 45: if you want me I can find that gun at half the price you mentioned or less here in Italy, and fix it to make it ok for you. What I'm not sure about is how difficult it would be shipping to Utah. I'll let you know anyway in a couple of days.
The only guns we are distributing here in the U.S. are as follows.

  • Instinct One
  • Instinct Pro
  • Instinct Carbon
  • Cyrano pneumatic 70cm - 110cm
  • Sten pneumatic 42cm - 100cm

Sorry I can't help find the Mirage. To be honest I don't even know what it is. I've been here for 5yrs. Yes I still am with Mares and Sporasub. Anytime anyone would like help or needs something re: these brands please feel free to ask.

Best Diving to you,

ZOHARA said:
The only guns we are distributing here in the U.S. are as follows.

  • Instinct One
  • Instinct Pro
  • Instinct Carbon
  • Cyrano pneumatic 70cm - 110cm
  • Sten pneumatic 42cm - 100cm

Sorry I can't help find the Mirage. To be honest I don't even know what it is. I've been here for 5yrs. Yes I still am with Mares and Sporasub. Anytime anyone would like help or needs something re: these brands please feel free to ask.

Best Diving to you,

It's all very good gear. My MediSten is still serving me perfectly after 13 years of hard duty, it never needed any servicing (except a drop of oil) and, among the over twenty guns I've had, it's the only one I really love (and I mean love)
Best diving to you.

USA is not an option to find a Mirage, if you could not find it in Italy here is going to be impossible.

They are discontinuided from many years and I am pretty sure that they never came to USA. Tha is why Zak did noy even know those fantastics guns.

I am looking for one too, I had polans to put a mamba kit on it, Good luck with your search.


Asturven said:
USA is not an option to find a Mirage, if you could not find it in Italy here is going to be impossible.They are discontinuided from many years. I am looking for one too, I had polans to put a mamba kit on it, Good luck with your search.
roger, Ivan,
I just hoped in some old unsold stock still stored somewhere in Oregon: fancy hope, but worth a try. Mambizing the Mirage is my project too (and use for amberjacks, if they ever return to my waters). Sporasub Stealth is the possible alternative. A friend of mine is selling is Tempest 130cm for a few bucks, but a 130 is a hard job to handle (at least for me)
So, good luck!

Yes that Mirage will be great with a Mamba kit on it.

I am the representative of Maorisub here in States among other brands like Marea and Leaderfins, and I have all my guns with Mamba kits, Stens Seac Assos, Cressi Sl and the Spora Stealth too.
My Stealth 110 is great and a very well balanced gun, I dive in the Rigs here in the Gulf of Mexico and it is great for the Amberjacks. I really prefer it to the Mares Cyrano, but te manufacturers think the opossite and discontinued it.

If you can get one, I think that you still can in Italy, do it it a really great gun.


Ivan, these are sad news
I didn't know the Stealth has gone out of production: here it's still on sale in almost every store. Probably getting one before it's too late. Thankx ;-)
Ivan, will you please describe what are the differences you prefer between the cyrano and the stealth?


You did'nt ask me and I have basically second hand information about it, but the Cyrano is a popular speargun in my country, at least of 2 of my clubmates use it as primary gun, and these are the most common comments:
-Cyrano is considered an "above the line" first class product, technically superior to the Stealth and to any other non-mambized airgun, with luxury finish and accessories, shoots great: guys say it's shoots as fast, smooth and accurate as a rubbergun, but with the superior power of an airgun, and performance not much different than mambized ones.
-Downsides: Cyrano is said to be slightly heavier than the Stealth in the muzzle side, and less buoyant shaft-off. (the downside for me is mainly the higher price, but if you ask me if I like it, I must say I like it very much).
Buonanotte dall'Italia.

Spaghetti already answered to your question first, I prefer the Stealth because it is really neutral in the water it is really well balanced and honesty I do not think that the conical air chamber of the Cyrano worth the difference in the price.
Without that difference It is basically the same gun.

I do not know what accesories is Spaguetti mentioning, because like all the pneumatic spearguns in the market the original shaft and in most of the cases the loader need to be changed for other ones.

They are two of the few pneumatic guns with internal barrel of 11mm to be used with 7 mm or less shafts, that for fishing in Europe is more than sufficient.

But here in USA or in the Caribbean I still prefer the 13 mm internal barrel guns that can use 7 mm or 8 mm,like the Mares Sten, Seac Asso, Cressi SL, etc.

If we compare with the same 7mm shaft, a bigger piston is much more efficient that the smaller piston for the same pressure.

Zak it is also a bad news that Mares did not manufacture pneumatic guns longer than 100 cms. The only place where you can find new spearguns but old model Sten in 115 and 130 is in Venezuela and some Mares Pipin 150 here in Miami.

Are you the representative for USA or just the West Coast?

Please send me a PM with your email, I am interested in asking you some details.


Asturven said:
I do not know what accesories is Spaguetti mentioning. They are two of the few pneumatic guns with internal barrel of 11mm to be used with 7 mm or less shafts, that for fishing in Europe is more than sufficient.
But here in USA or in the Caribbean I still prefer the 13 mm internal barrel guns that can use 7 mm or 8 mm,like the Mares Sten, Seac Asso, Cressi SL, etc.
As accessories I referred to the case and the the two shafts (a threaded 7mm and a solid 6,5mm double flopper).
Then regarding shaft thickness in general -- really not to open any euro vs. non-euro kickboxing mess (I honestly have great respect of ocean spearos) -- you could be surprised to see how big fish euros catch with their slim 6,5 and 7mm shafts. (For those who claim that size matters :t )
Yes I know that in Europe use thin spears and catch great fishes. I am from the North of Spain and I have been related with 5 world Championships. So I know very well the fishing in Europe.
That is precisely why Enzo from Maorisub designed the Mamba with 35 mm barrel instead of the 40mm and capable to use 6,5 mm shaft.
For fishing spigolas, and dentices is really great.

What I tried to say is that is more efficent a piston with more Area than a smaller one. So if we use two different guns let's say a Cyrano with 7 mm shaft and a Cressi Sub SL with 7 mm shaft too.

The Cressi will work better because the area of the piston is bigger 1,33 cm2 for 13 mm barrel vs 0.95 cm2 in a 11 mm barrel.

This is more easy to see in guns with Mamba kit on them where there are not water inside and both pistons are pushing the shaft alone.


Asturven said:

Spaghetti already answered to your question first, I prefer the Stealth because it is really neutral in the water it is really well balanced and honesty I do not think that the conical air chamber of the Cyrano worth the difference in the price.
Without that difference It is basically the same gun.

I do not know what accesories is Spaguetti mentioning, because like all the pneumatic spearguns in the market the original shaft and in most of the cases the loader need to be changed for other ones.

They are two of the few pneumatic guns with internal barrel of 11mm to be used with 7 mm or less shafts, that for fishing in Europe is more than sufficient.

But here in USA or in the Caribbean I still prefer the 13 mm internal barrel guns that can use 7 mm or 8 mm,like the Mares Sten, Seac Asso, Cressi SL, etc.

If we compare with the same 7mm shaft, a bigger piston is much more efficient that the smaller piston for the same pressure.

Zak it is also a bad news that Mares did not manufacture pneumatic guns longer than 100 cms. The only place where you can find new spearguns but old model Sten in 115 and 130 is in Venezuela and some Mares Pipin 150 here in Miami.

Are you the representative for USA or just the West Coast?

Please send me a PM with your email, I am interested in asking you some details.



Ivan PM sent. Also just an FYI we do offer the Cyrano in a 110cm.
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