My first???
I don't know if my memory is that good, but here in No Cal, CW means diving for abalone, see the ab grab thread in U/W Hunting, and it's all CW, except for the way back up, when you hopefully are carrying dinner.
The first dives were in the 70's, about 10-15 feet max, as I was struggling with a suit, weights, fins, a mask that leaked and a snorkel that just kept the ocean in.. and damn, that Ocean's salty! By the end of the season, I was pretty comfortable in my own gear, having said screw the rental stuff, and was doing 20 foot runs of maybe a minute. Nothing to boast about, but fine by me; ya gotta start somewhere and I made it back to the beach every time. And that's the final grade.
I tell new divers that it takes about a year of diving and goofing around with the gear until you catch that one day when the water is nice, the gear fits, the fish are out, the car starts, the bills are paid - everything works. Then on, it's gravy.
Just go at a pace you're comfortable with and relax.