At this moment lung packing is a common practice in elite and also novice freedivers, an exception is Pelizzari. The theory is that lung packing improves oxygen reserve. And that is logical, but what is the price for such a good thing?.
Some freedivers pack up to 60 times, and how much overpressure can the lung support?
I can't avoid to compare lung packing with positive pressure ventilation, and the complications of it: barotrauma (lung injury by pressure) and volutrauma (overdistention lung injury).
I think that can arise problems in the trachea too.
Maybe I'm a pesimist (I hope so), but I can't believe that lung packing only have positive things.
Some will say that if I do it very hard is dangerous, and what is very hard?
Others will say that I must progress slowly, increasing steeply the lung packs; until when?
What are the long terms effects of this practice?
Can we get permanent lung damage from it?
I don't want to sound paranoic, I just have questions and don't know the answers
Any serious evidence?
Frank Pernett
Some freedivers pack up to 60 times, and how much overpressure can the lung support?
I can't avoid to compare lung packing with positive pressure ventilation, and the complications of it: barotrauma (lung injury by pressure) and volutrauma (overdistention lung injury).
I think that can arise problems in the trachea too.
Maybe I'm a pesimist (I hope so), but I can't believe that lung packing only have positive things.
Some will say that if I do it very hard is dangerous, and what is very hard?
Others will say that I must progress slowly, increasing steeply the lung packs; until when?
What are the long terms effects of this practice?
Can we get permanent lung damage from it?
I don't want to sound paranoic, I just have questions and don't know the answers
Any serious evidence?
Frank Pernett