Hi Guys,
great discussion! exactly what i was looking for

I also have thought on lots of combinations and how to start, which details to consider etc etc. Anyway some thoughts of mine:
Remember the basic machines topic form high school physics, see pic.
The setup right is the invert roller pulley setup. The F side would be pulling on our shaft and on the P side would be our rubbers. If we have an invert roller pulling with 4 rubber strings 14mm each we will pull with the half of the force of a regular gun pulling with 2x14mm (which means i have 4 rubber strings each 14mm), assumed the rubbers are streched equally.
But! a regular setup wont pull the shaft through the complete body with that force, lets say we have a 100cm carbon fiber pipe as body and 4 rubber strings of 14mm pull with F.
In invert roller case, we would pull the shaft with F/2 for almost the complete length of the pipe, so roughly we would load the shaft with F/2 x 100 cm energy.
In regular case, we would pull the shaft with F for 2/3 of the length of the pipe, so roughly we would load the shaft with F x 2/3 x 100 cm energy.
In a rough consideration we would be not much weaker in the invert roller setup. For an exact calculation one would have to consider the dependency of F from the stretch x ( F(x) ) and integrating the F(x) over the length x, on top of that the offset force, which Leander mentioned (pre-tensioned invertroller, no deadspace), also the friction of the pulley mechanism an so on...
To the point of recoil, its all about momentum. Since i have a shaft shooting out in one direction and the rubbers moving into the other, the momentums would almost negate each other.
(see the whip of the shaft due to the power btw

rly bad accuracy, thats why we shall take at least a thicker shaft)
Also after i've read your conversation, i've had a moment of enlightment.
Quote: For normal guns the idea of smaller diameter is that they contract faster and smoother. So this is why they almost always combine few different diameters of rubber in an invert setup ?! in order to balance the conraction ?
Anyway, i bought a handle and a invert roller kit + a carbon pipe 100cm, shaft from pathos 8mm 150cm i gues (in case its too much i have also a salvimar one 7,5mm 140cm) I will try to deploy it with either 4 rubber strings 20mm and 2 rubber strings 16m diameter or 4 of 16mm and 2 of 20mm. Or shall i go go with 6 of 20mm ?
I'm so excited !!
Thank you guys for the great topic.