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How to put on a wetsuit according to elios

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New Member
Sep 28, 2001
Hi folks,

I have always put on the jacket of my Yamamoto wetsuit in the following way:
1.) I put both arms in.
2.) I pull the jacket over my head.

Now I learn from the Eliossub-site, that this is an absolute No-No! :naughty

Next time I will have a try with their technique:

Perhaps some others did it "wrong", too?

When I got my first 'real' suit, I used to put it on as you described; arms first, then pull it over. I just assumed that my ritualistic, one-man wrestling match (in which my suit was the well-known wrestler such as Hulk Hogan, and I was the flabby grunt - probably with a name something like...um...Thad Chambers - who was brought in each week to be used as little more than a punching bag for the slack-jawed yokels to cheer at)......now what the hell was I talking about.....oh yeah.....(continuing) was what every freediver had to deal with. Anyway, Jon saw the 'spectacle' one day and suggested I go in head first. This little piece of advice corrected all of the wrongs in my life, and put me on the fast track towards salvation..... Oh, and it was much easier too.
i never thought of that method. i use the 'conventional' method, and will probably stick with it because it causes me no problem at all. i can put it on and take it off in a couple of seconds and it never rips.
one trick i use with smooth 3mils is that i take a bottle of warm soapy water with me for when i take the suit off. i just pour it in through the hood and get it down the arms, front and back, then pour some on the outside. then i use my palms to move the neoprene and 'break the seal' and it literally just slips off with no effort. similar thing with my trousers. i've used my 3mil (Picasso chicle - that you see in my picture) dozens of times and there is not one single nick in it - let alone a rip.
I have taken the Elios method one step further as I ripped my sleeve badly one time. Eventhough my suit has the gold lining, the rubber gasket on the sleeves and the ankles must be lubricated.
1)- Put hood on- easy for me, I am bald.
2)-spray the rubber seal on the left sleeve with soapy water, rub it around.
3)- spray the left hand with soapy water
4)-put the left sleeve on
5)- follow steps 2-4 for the right sleeve
Removal- same as the Elios recommendations.
I also first put my arms than head. I only weared two times with no problem but i am using hot soapy water before putting on. But logically its easier to put head first and then arms.
Hmm, maybe it's because i am female and I have years of experience with things like nylons.. i have never had a problem with putting on a wetsuit like that. Now give me the solution to eliminate that ridiculous shimmy dance I gotta do to get everything into the right place once I'm in the suit! :D
Ah yes - the thermos flask of hot soapy water. What a pleasure in winter.

Now if only I can figure out a way to warm up as quickly while taking my suit off after diving.

I also used to just haul the suit on arms first but the head first method feels easier to me and seems to put less strain on the wetsuit, just like Elios said.

easyiest way to put on/off your suit is in the water. but be careful: I did it once on the boat ladder, slipped with the face covered in neoprene, both arms blocked in the suit, would have drowned without the fast aid of a buddy. --- stupid way to die after risky dives. Dont do the same !!
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