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How to stop legs from sinking?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Apr 29, 2022
Hello there!

When scuba diving, I like to have my buoyancy and trim on check - who doesn't? However, I always struggle with trim, because even if I put my weight belt as high up as I can, my legs still sink if I don't kick to compensate, making my life down there a bit less controlled and relaxed. What can I do about it? Body positioning doesn't seem to do the trick. Is it a defect of not having an integrated weights bcd? I suppose I could put some weights in the bcd pockets, but that'd make them unusable with fear of dropping those precious, heavy, toxic metal weights :)
Hi, as a very unnatural swimmer I feel your pain. I look like the African swimmer in the olyimpics when I’m in the pool. Some body types just naturally sink. You can practice body positioning. Pushing your head and chest down, forces your legs up. Engage your core as well. Try and maintain the horizontal. It is easier said than done for some people.
How likely is it that you would have to drop those toxic weights from your BC pockets?
Try a light,say 3 lb, neck weight, easy on your neck, easy to get rid of if needed. In combination with a weight belt, it should shift you center of bouyancy forward enough to keep your legs up.

This works for me, but I've never tried it with scuba.
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