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For Sale HOW TO: Use a MAKO Spike Fish Stringer

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Mar 22, 2009


In this video Dano will show you how to string a fish using the MAKO Spearguns spike stringer with holster, while highlighting the quick to dump feature.

Immediately after shooting your fish, use your MAKO Kona Kill knife to ensure your fish is dead. It prevents sharks from coming around. And, it’s the right thing to do.

Once your fish is dead, pull the spike stringer from the holster and insert it through your fish.

For safety purposes, shove the pointed end into the roof of the fish’s mouth. This keeps the pointed end out of harm’s way.

To add fish to your stringer, simply repeat the process.
Notice here, how the quick to dump feature allows you to quickly and easily remove the fish from your stringer and you can return the spike to the holster for safe keeping.

Please note that if you ever have to ditch your freedive weight belt in an emergency, MAKO Spearguns will replace it for free of charge.

Thanks guys for taking time to view this.

Dive Safe,
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