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hydrodinamic helmet

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New Member
Oct 9, 2001
Hi all,

Has anybody tried any kind of helmet, that would cover your shoulders as well?

I think that you could improve your hydrodynamics with something like this, and it wouldnt be so burdening (sure you´ll look funny)

I been thinking on the ones that cyclist use, but in the water it should have much more effect.



You'd probably look like a moron but the idea sort of stuck in my mind, if you try it please post results.
It'd make you look daft, and it's just more equipment to carry. Might also mess with some of your senses, so the feeling just wouldnt be the same.
You thinking this for increased speed? Speed isn't the name of the game here though is it, enjoying the underwater world at your own pace is. Increase the speed, possibly increase the stress and anxiety. Maybe on a small scale, but could even reduce your performance in some ways. I'm no expert, but that's just my thinking ;)
Personally I wouldn't want anything other than a mask and hood on my head, anything more would annoy me more than help me.

To Matt,

I agree with you that it´ll be more equipment to carry and worry about.
like ten years ago on a summer i´d dive on a small lagoon that was all for myself in the midle of the mountains. My only equipment were the mask and the snorkel, not even a swiming suit. It was wonderfull to feel so free, but i wouldnt go deeper than 4-5 mts at those days.
The thing is that as you want to go deeper and longer you start adding the suit, the wheights, boots, fins, carbon fins etc etc.
Probably the first guy who tolked about a rubber suit was seen like stupid, speially for the need of wheights.

If you read about competitive swiming, the word is not strenght, but streamline. He who produce lees drag and the same effort wins.
So if you gain speed with the same effort you gain time, or you mantein the speed and reduce the effort and win time again.

Maybe in some years people wouldnt even think of free diving without helmets... or laugh of the stupid that drowned trying to use it.

But freediving isn't a race. Also a helmet like that could restrict movement, limiting your view of the world around you, and what good is that to a freediver? ;)
Personally I can't see freediving with a helmet, unless it's simply to get down to depth quickly and easily without enjoying being underwater and watching the sea life. Your right, it may become the norm in a few years, but I personally can't see it.
Nothing to stop you trying it though...

equalize the ears too!

If your were going to use a helmet for stream-lining, why not seal it and make the need to equalize your less. If you eliminated or substantial reduced the need to equalize your ears, you could blow the no limit records away! Some ideas are: pre-pressure the helmet before your descent, or fill it with fresh water and some Visine for your eyes. I’m not sure what would work, but something ought too.

I spearfish with a ProEar mask and although it’s a hassle to put on, ear cups leak about ½ the time (but even when they leak, I make it to my depth before it fills enough with water to wet my ear drum), and has too much volume so I get mask squeeze, I am still able to descent faster, because of less ear equalization, than my buddies.

I’m not saying I would want to put up with the additional equipment and the lowering of senses, but if I was going to do it for water-dynamics, I would also investigate the ear equalization.

By the way, one of the advertised benefits of the ProEar mask is an increase in hearing ability under the water. I have found this to be true, but on top of the water its worse. Once I had a crew boat yelling at me at a rig, over their load speaker. I couldn’t make out any words until I took the mask off.
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