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I guess I'll add one.

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Jan 19, 2004
just couldn't help myself. sorry there is nothing to compare the fish to. Largest one=4 lbs.
Should have taken a pic of what they looked like for dinner.
Defofthecrown, I passed 2 others and spooked a flounder...hurry up and lets get back in the water...I'm expecting my skiff by june...the boat I have now works just fine though.
charleston, S.C.

where do you guys go Spearing? I live in North GA. and Charleston isn't that far away I might like to tag along sometime!
we spear inshore and offshore of the Chas. coast. I think defofthecrown spears upwards towards the outer banks and Va.
Email me and come on!
Let you know when I decide to come down! Defofthecrown knows who I am we did some diving at Wrightsville Beach!
Stretch- You know it's more fun if you don't stone all your fish b/c then you can untangle them too. I'll show you what I'm talking about later;) . I have next saturday off so were looking at tuesday (I think the 10th).

Blade- we need to get in touch w/ mattedhead and dive that Liberty ship. I think my breathhold is around 12 seconds these days which means I should black out on the way down, but hey what are you going to do? I went back up to Wrightsville and shot some sheepshead w/ my buddy from Cali.. Did you head out there yet? Biggest thing I caught was a $20 parking ticket (but I stoned it...:D ).
Sorry Chris...it's second nature where the spear goes...I don't really think about shot placement anymore.

I'll think a bit more next time and see if I hit them on the 3rd black stripe back from its gills...lol.

Lemme see what I can do about next tuesday...check the tides.
Dude how did you get a parking ticket?

I canceled my trip because of health reason but I'm going to do some training with some friend up north in great lakes and plan on doing some spearing to. I using one week vacation time for that and I'm planning using another week probly in October or first part of november at wrightsville beach to spear the shit out of the jetty and probly paddle out to the Lib. I had some shithead break into my storage shed that's a part of my apartment and still my sit on top kayak, not the nice kayak I had last year. I keep that locked up in my parents basement to avoid such things. I'm hoping I have enough money by time my trip comes around to get another one.

BladeRunner OUT
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