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I made the main page!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
i´ve just read the article, and i think it´s really good...
well, i´m lookin forward for the second part :)
In that case we will look forward to reading the full version, give us a link.:)
Mind you, my story has been HEAVILY edited (and partially re-written!). Many of the candid, personal moments (sadly, my favorite parts of the story, the human elements that gave the story it's "heart") have been removed. I'll have the FULL, unedited version available for those who'd like to read it, but to be fair, I won't offer it until the full story has been posted on here. If you'd like it, just let me know via email, the link is right there with the story.

Nice job, Todd,

It was a kick to read, especially since I remember being pretty close to the same place when I took the course.

Last edited:

It is a GREAT story and we were very pleased to have you submit it. I'm sorry you feel upset that certain elements were taken out but like all editorial outfits we do edit stories before posting.

By all means post your full version (i'm sure everyone would love to see it) but perhaps wait till we publish the 2nd part of your adventure next Monday?
DiverTodd said:
Mind you, my story has been HEAVILY edited (and partially re-written!). Many of the candid, personal moments (sadly, my favorite parts of the story, the human elements that gave the story it's "heart") have been removed. I'll have the FULL, unedited version available for those who'd like to read it, but to be fair, I won't offer it until the full story has been posted on here. If you'd like it, just let me know via email, the link is right there with the story.


But what about your vows, solemnly made during the midnight ceremony on the bottom of the FIU dive well ? You should know better, Grasshopper, than to reveal the secret doctrines of Pfism, as revealed to Das Krack and handed down from Master to Apprentice over generations. I see we were wise not to initiate you into the Enigmae of Francisco...
enjoyed it all Todd well done looking forward to the next instalment and all futire editions edited or not
Very nice story Todd, I enjoyed it and I'm already waiting for your second part :).

I'd actually like to write something for the website myself, sometimes in the future.
I guess I'm just a bit bitter that most of my FAVORITE parts are gone (like speaking Czech to a surprised Martin). As an artist, I tend to be overly-sensitive and protective of my work. Sorry. :(

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