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Iafd Vs Aida = Bad For The Sport?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Jul 30, 2003
Hi my name is Jesper and im pretty new into this sport, so i hope i would get some response on this thread. :eek: :eek:
Dont know if im wrong but it seems that there is a huge glitch between IAFD and AIDA and its divers.
First of all i want to say that im just a noob when it comes to results in free-diving disciplines, but it dosnt make my love for the sport smaller.
I have been pracitising all kinds of sports all of my life and i have always had a great respect for all elite athletes all over the world.
It has always been good to listen to greatest of their sport , it is a good motivator to my own training to see what other has done to manage extremly good results.
When i went in to freediving i felt very alone at the begining, it was only me and my brother that practised it .....that i knew of.
But thanks to internet i soon realized that the freediving community is small but in a way uniqe.
I dont know any other sport vhere you can meet so much humble and nice people.
Its Overwhelming that you can interact and share your experiences with both ordinary people and some of the best in the world at the same time.
As you all know we have some of the best freedivers in the world on this forum :)t HORRAY!).
But i have noticed something (correct me if im wrong) it seems that worldclass-divers comes from different organistations and that its creating some kind of disagreement between them?
Recently i read open letters from Pipin and Herbert at : www.freediver.co.uk.
Ive noticed on many other ocassions that the top-atheletes from different organistaions dont get along that much.
My questions is simple : why??
Why isnt there only one organisation ?( It would solve alot i think).
Finally i wanna say that the best divers out there are like living legends in my eyes , no matter what organisation they belong to.

You hve read Pipin's and Herbert's letter and if you dig for a little more info you will find the answers to your questions.

Regarding IAFD safety standards I recommend searching for the mestre reports...

PS: You won't find any info about that on deeperblue. Freedom of speech is just an illusion these days.
It's not an illusion here as much as elsewhere st3fan. You'll find a dearth of hootin' and hollerin' about Pipin and Audrey here as the legal circus that both the divers themselves fostered and the very organizations that Jesper asks about all position themselves to come out ahead.

I think if you go searching about the Web you'll be able to visit a few venues where you can more express your thoughts and speculations and probably receive a far less welcome reply for your time.

Suffice it to say that the head office here has determined that when the final findings are made public and the lawyers are paid, that as full a disclosure as is available will be made available. Thanks for your input and donations to the cause.
one organization


I agree with DB policy that till the legal issues are not set discution is beeing closed. But mainly because all facts are not disclosed and a discution would surtanly leed to speculations and that would set some emotions sky high.
Nothing good can come out of that not for the DB site not for the freediving sport.

One (united) freediving organization i think is a dream -- it will never happen -- there is just to many egoistic selfcentered idiots around (sorry for unkind words).

But i think that at some points organizations could come together, like safety (the higher standards should apply for all)
Human life should have no price tag on it.

End of discussion then

Sorry folks didnt know that this subject was that sensitive.
Just thought that i had noticed something that would be nice to solve.
I want all freedivers all around the world to unite thats all...... maybe that it is impossible wahat do i know :duh .

Two things here in my view. There could be a federation of freediving agencies, each mantaining their own individuality and specific philosophy and style of doing things, but agreeing to standardize safety and record certification procedures so there woudn’t be any bickering and misunderstanding about who has what title. Freediving is growing quickly as a sport and it’s about time that there is some shared common ground. It would require some give and take, but as long as safety was not compromised, everyone will end up winning and a major source of contention/confusion removed. Meanwhile, common sense and a respectful attitude towards other freedivers (market pressures notwithstanding) would dictate that agencies specify their respective “world records” as being “AIDA World Record” or “FREE World Record” etc.

Interesting idea regarding the federation I think this can bring the sport forward. However in my opinion a world record is whoever has gone the deepest orh held his/her breath longest regardless of organization. It's a different thing in for example boxing where you have two opponents facing each other but in freediving we are dealing with absolutes. 170m is 170m regardless of organization as is 7 minutes always 7 minutes (please no flaming from temporal physics graduates).
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