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Ibiza freediving GP re-loaded

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

What equipment should be allowed for the Ibiza Freediving GP?

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I want to go but I have no way of knowing if enough money will be available for the trip until literally a few days before I would have to leave.
re: Cebaztian's comment on why not more people are pre-registered for the Ibiza GP

-I would say because it isn't a format which caters to the usual depth/time-freakery market that competitions tend to attract.
-Because people are a little unsure about how to prepare/what to expect.
-I would also say because May/June is a slightly tricky mid-season time, work-wise.
-Finally I think that the competition seems to be organised in too much of the right spirit compared to, for example, the WCs in Hurghada. People love to be treated bad it seems.

One more reason for why people did not registered yet is the uncertainty of the exact dates. At least that's mine, though i have just registered on Freedivecentral for the time being. I would love to be there, the idea of "pure freediving" really appeals to me, just that I would need to make travel arrangements pretty much in advance, to keep costs low and be able to take time off from office.

Can we count on Saturday 26th of May to Sunday 3nd of June as the final dates? Any tips on which budget airlines fly to Ibiza?

One more reason for why people did not registered yet is the uncertainty of the exact dates. At least that's mine, though i have just registered on Freedivecentral for the time being. I would love to be there, the idea of "pure freediving" really appeals to me, just that I would need to make travel arrangements pretty much in advance, to keep costs low and be able to take time off from office.

Can we count on Saturday 26th of May to Sunday 3nd of June as the final dates? Any tips on which budget airlines fly to Ibiza?


Serge, on the calendar it is stating 1st to 3rd of june !


or do we have to attend the advanced clinics in Ibiza as part of the event as well? .. I don't think so !
Sadly many of the coolest competitions don't end up happening. In 2002, Patrick Musimu organized the Belize competition, but only three people including me registered, and the competition was cancelled. It had awesome rules & setup though.
As with many new things, people always wait for the rest to try out...
I would like to go, but it's the uncertainty if the competition goes on that makes me, and possible many others, doubt to subscribe. Maybe it's a good idea if Sebastien announces that the competition will continue even when there are only 3 registered athletes, only then without all the official stuff. If I know for sure that when I book a flight now, when it's still cheap, that I can freedive over there for more or less the same amount of money, then I'm willing to go. Maybe offer a clinic if the competition is canceled?
What is the minimum amount of competitors that have to subscribe for the competition to happen?
The first step to subscription requires only a show of interest...no actual initial commitment.

It is not possible for the comp to go ahead without sufficient participant numbers...for obvious reasons. We are nowhere in the ball-park of having sufficient numbers, i.e., >40....not a huge number really. Nonetheless, clinics are are different thing altogether. Indeed, if the comp doesn't go ahead then clinics will be offered at my home base in Mallorca from May to Mid September, after which I'll be away in Greece & Egypt for Clinics and comps.

I would actually even consider running the comp in Dahab, Egypt, straight after the no-limits comp in Greece, in early-mid October, if it made a difference but, first let's see what happens after the registration cut-off date (which by the way cannot be extended).

So if you are interested in what I believe to be the ULTIMATE discipline done in a way that will get media coverage and respect from an audience (if it becomes a tradition) - well then do sign up.

Sub7Seas Freediving

1-3rd june Ibiza

By the way, only resgistrations submitted to the Sub7Seas Freediving website, acording to the very clearly outlined ste--by-step process, will be recognized, not those on the Freedive Central website.

So, with 18 days to go before inscription deadline... how many people have already subscribed?
So no updates yet? Can I assume that not many people have shown interest, unfortunately... To me it looked like an excellent idea.
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