hi Triton,
I am by no means an expert and anyone fell free to correct me but in response to your very first comment, the club I dive with in Brighton have an exercise that we do that might be a step in the right direction for what you are trying to achieve. We call it an oxymoron as it is counterintuitive or moronic; basically it is to do a short static at the start of your dive before duck-diving and doing your dive as normal or usually for longer than normal
You do your standard breath up whatever it is; none, 6 in 12 out, mediative breathing. then you put your face in the water relax go limp and do a short static while you wait for your MDR to kick in and drop your heart rate. the length of time will vary on all the usual factors; your state of mind, fitness, hydration, tension, water temp, how comfortable you are, how many dives you have already done etc. you might use you pulse oxymeter during training to get a handle on how long this is for you and learn to feel it with practice.
I have only been able to really notice my own HR once. We did some heavy cardio (sprint lengths) followed quickly by a static, I could hear my pulse in my ears and feel it in my chest and after only about 20-25 seconds of it remaining high I could feel and hear a considerable drop in HR.
My understanding from what i have read on the course I did and on deeper blue is that once the MDR kicks in the body goes into a kind of survival mode; blood shift, vasoconstriction, reduced HR etc. and this means that the body uses the available O2 more efficiently. by doing nothing in the initial period before this has happened you don’t waste O2 meaning that there is more left in your blood for a longer dive.
My girlfriend went for being able to do 15-20m DNY to 15sec static then 25m length oxy-moron the first time see tried them, which was only her second ever freediving lesson.
There might also be a conditioning element to this as well. Some say you should keep your pre dive routine the same so that your body gets used to it and just doing your breath up can have physiological effect on your body. If you included a short static into you routine for every dive you body might learn to get into that state quicker?
hope that helps and on the equipment side of the thread I would suggest you get the most expensive product you can it is usual more accurate and you are less likely to surpass its capabilities and need to buy another more expensive one.
“buy right or buy twice”
unless you are like hydroapprentice and want to hack it, then get the cheapest you can probably two and start probing