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Imersion Concept Pro speargun

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Mud Puddle Diver
May 20, 2002
Hey All

I looking for a Imersion Concept Pro speargun that comes with the reel already with it which is actually offered from the factory but I can't find a place around here that sales them. I did find a place that sales the online (www.freediver.co.uk) but they offer it in a 75cm model and I'm for it in either 100cm or 115cm. Anyone know of a place online that I can pruchase one?
I'm attaching a photo of what I'm talking about.

Thank You


  • arbg5.jpg
    9.1 KB · Views: 531
Get a hold of anderson here... He offers a service through his site.

PS go for a Riffe.

What Da Ya Mean Go For A RIFFE ?


Should I say 2 Blade .... Buy A RIFFE !! He he he.
The Euro gun supporter will kill ya !! I'm 2 far on the other side of the globe to get whacked.

BTW Sultan, I just confirmed a special order for 2 super-custom Metal Tech #0. One 4 me and one 4 my friend. Should be ready to test in 30 days or so. Need to follow ur foot step with the Metal Tech. Can't resist the engineering beauty of it. Got to have it.

Hi Blade,

You see Icarus ( Sven ) seems to dislike Euro guns, at least I personally think so. As far as I know he doesn't ownany Euro guns and he has 4 Riffes plus other vintages. The Immersion, Omer many more come into the Euro guns catagory.

Those who loves Euro guns will defend it, the same for those who loves American timber guns will defend their favourite too.

It is so easy to start a debate on this forum over which guns are best because it is a matter of personal preference, what you hunt and where you hunt.

Some European gun lovers thinks that by being a single band and with only thin 6.5mm shaft, to catch a big fish is way more macho than using a say 4-5 banded American timber guns.

Euro guns are great swinging/tracking guns unlike heavy thick teak stock of American type, which offer more impact and range The arguement never ends because everyone is correct in their own right.

If you are asking info on a European gun like the Immersion and someone reccomends an American Riffe, naturally the lovers of the Euro guns will try to divert you for a European gun instead of a Riffe. I was just kidding to Sven on the "killing", this forum is full of jokes and friendly people. That's why I hang here often plus this is one of the rare forum you can post pictures and no need of time delay caused my censorship.

On some forum a fierce & nasty debate might start over the subject of which gun is to be a choice .

This is a very civilized forum, at least I scanned their database and yet to find very impolite remarks been made.

Enjoy the forum.

Reactions: Erik
thank you for the info Iya, Just to inform where I'm coming from, There nearest spearo is probly over 600 miles just guessing. I'm just getting into freediving and the interest in spearfishing seemed to just come with it for me. I don't live near the ocean to spearfish and there are no knowledgable freedivers to be my mentor. So I'm kinda on my own on the many large lakes of north Georgia in the US. I don't have boat but I have another love, 17'x22" expedition sea kayak that takes me and freediving gear where I want. So to basically tell you I'm not sure what kinda of gun I'm looking for but this one seemed meet my projected needs. You can all laugh now, I'm getting use to it. It's either laughs from bass fisherman in their boats, drunk people on their house boats or laughs from the local dive shops.

P.S. I would have cast my vote for the Euro but in the future with some experience I will have to try both then may the big dicision.

Your right about this forum to Iya this best forum that I've ever seen on the net, but what else can you expect from freedivers and spearos anyway.
Reactions: Erik


you definitely won't need a 115cm gun if you're hunting freshwater lakes in georgia. i don't think you'd have the viz to see the end of your gun.

the euros might work well for you because of their size and shaft diameter(and the cost). if you were to go w/ an american(ie. riffe) look at the 0# comp or the 0# metal tech w/ hawaiian floppers. if you have an area w/ viz, look at the 1#'s. i personally have a 1# comp and have field days with it during the snapper spawning in south florida. i'm hitting fish in the gills 95% of the time up to a 12-13' range when i'm on a reef with schools of snapper. great accuracy.

i'm not a fan of metal wishbones(euros) so that's why i'd push riffe if you're not up for major modifications on a euro.

good luck,
Reactions: Erik
Happy 50th Majesty.

Hi all...euro-killer here.:ycard

B-runner- for your kind of usage, I agree with Anderson that the length of gun you're looking is waaay dreamin. All and I mean all the fresh water stuff I've done, including a little dip into the clear waters of Tahoe yesterday, has been handled very nicely and simply with a JBL Custom. It's similar in respect to a euro gun, which by the way I do endorse if it works for you, in that it's a simple barrel and handle thing, but with the more traditional bands to launch your shaft. Simple, clean, no bullshit to have to deal with. Ask Fred, Bsword here and Octo about em.

Consider that most areas that allow spearing in fresh O2 will only allow you to nail trash fish, with some exceptions, and while they live on the bottom and just kinda hang out, you spook 'em, your screwed. To have to swing a 110 or anything more than 30" to get a bead on one, you'll be better off just laying on the bottom behind a can of catfood and waiting for them to come to you. This works by the way.

Give Fred a ring here and ask him- he's just started as well and is considering a career change to carp removal. :king

Also by the way, I'm not just pro Riffe. I use them and my JBL's and my Yakooji because they work and I don't have to baby them. I've tried euro's and they work just fine too. Call me a traditionalist or an old codger, but until I see a pattern that I'm unable to get the fish with my gear, the euro style guns will be in my dive partner's paws.

Euro guns

Dont get me started on those Euro guns.
I lost several fish to a Picasso Century
Damn skinny shafts bend under pressure
I guess you should go with what you know
JBL gulf mags all the way.

Here's to 4 bands and threaded shafts
Originally posted by Iyadiver
This is a very civilized forum, at least I scanned their database and yet to find very impolite remarks been made.


I'll second that motion Occasionally a meatball shows up, but our wonderful Mentors usually punt them quick.
Erik Y.
Originally posted by Erik

but our wonderful Mentors usually punt them quick.
Erik Y.

ahhhhh thanks, you big lugg! and by the way erik, hurry up and post something... that 666 is freaking me out, dude!

and sven, when did this so called phantom yakooji show up at your door?

Re: the Yakooji, I 've had it in pieces for about 7-8 months now... part of an experiment for that ultimate white seabass bazooka. Trouble is getting parts for it made in this tree lined machine shop of mine... thus the Riffe MT3S due Fri. Remind me to show you my graphite/kevlar hybrid.

Re: the mentors- true Erik, but what about the meatballs posing as Mentors, Editors and gasp!, Instructors?? :hmm

Thanks for the photo post CB shindig, by the way.


Listen to Anderson on the Riffe, Competitor. It is the slimmest teak stock Riffe. Very light weight, swing very fast like Euro gun and the trigger is the same as those used in the biggest Riffe. See their website at www.speargun.com.

I can't advice anything on fresh water diving in ur place. I been to the US only 3 times and know nothing of the diving geography, I am too far away from u.

A Competitor from Riffe should last you hell of a long time if u maintain it well, it will outlived any Euro guns because the material is simply superior and quieter shooting too. A Competitor with 9/32" Hawaiian shaft I think cost like US$250-275, very affordable. I don't know if the "Immersion" comes with a spring stainless steel grade shaft cause many European guns come with regular spring steel, it's a throw away shaft to me. Rust, rust & rust.

Anderson doesn't like metal wishbone because a single 20mm rubber or any rubber/band size with such wishbone, when broken can cut ur fingers big time. This happened too often. Riffe uses a line wishbone, so safe & no pain, also quieter. Some Euro gun uses custom rubber attachment for the powerband, they use two separate band as one and getting spare might be a bit tough 4 u. A Riffe band is available all over the US and the world. I also worry that a new diver might not be able to load a 20mm rubber easily. A Riffe Comp #1 give you 2 x 1/2" ( 12.5mm ) rubbers, easy 2 load and more power anyway. U can upgrade to 3.

I like Riffe because they are well built and thus they are not the cheapest. Money don't lie. I never like the Metal Tech from Riffe untill I saw it. I been assuming that aluminum gun is not going to last a long time but when you see a Riffe Metal Tech, it is a piece of solid engineering. Instead of the cheap tube, they go for thick extruded aluminum. Metal tech is heavy size for size compared to a Euro gun but that tells you that you pay for the material.

I don't know if you have seen many type of guns but this forum can give you honest advice. In my country there are only 3 brands you can find on store display. Almost a full line JBL, almost a full line Riffe and only Mares pneumatic. I have yet to see and Euro gun.......... never. Notice I stated almost full line, no store here will stock many types because buyers are rare.

Hope the forum will help you.

Reactions: andrsn
thanks iya for the support/clarification.

i had a 3# metal tech and ended up giving it to a friend. i felt it shot low and inconsistent (jay riffe has admitted to it's inferior long distant accuracy to it's teak counterparts). also, it's only neutral w/o the spear unlike the bouyant teak stocks. i prefer my gun to be up and out of the way after i shoot something. plus, i hardly ever have my line attatched to my guns, they're all spear-to-float so to speak(my #1 comp is the only one with the line attatched to the stock).

anyways, my 1# comp (i call her maxine ) is what got aquiles that 17# mutton the other weekend. it's my favorite gun in my arsenal. :inlove plus, it's easily reloadable on one breath/one band for that follow up shot to the one that only wounded your target. :head and, it's got the most awesome sound when it fires. it's also the most consistently accurate thing at close range than anything out there on the market. and, i'll back that up till the cows come home. :martial

Thank you guys for all the info I'm checking the Riffes on their webpage. The only thing is even though I won't always being fishing for the small fish in these north Georgia lakes. We also have large population of large striped bass or Hybrids averaging out to be 30lb to 50lbs. Even though at this time of year there at depth beyond my freediving skills well for now they are safe. During the winter they come up to 20 to 30 feet and feed like sharks. You can spot schools pretty easy during the winter because all you do is look the screaming gulls and loons. I was looking at maybe 40inch guns and for some reason I thought a reel would be a good add on is that alittle over kill for my needs. I'm still learning how the guns are actually setup, so I'm not sure about all the gun terminology yet. I do want thank you all for your help again, finding anyone that knows anything about spearfishing is like looking for someone to teach you snow ski in the middle of a desert where I live.

Happy Hunting

making a deal...

i'll tell you what...

tell us where to meet you, tell us where these stripers hang out and we'll let you test any gun you like.

how deep are these stripers? and do you know if it's legal to spear them? now, you've totally gotten my attention!

Well what I can understand from the GA. Regs It's legal to fish freshwater except seasonal fish and catfish. The only seasonal fish we have is Trout but I will check with state DNR and get the complete details. I think the best way to find them is get a local guide that speicalizes in Striper Bass. I've done alot of kayaking in my expedition sea kayak all over this big lake camping and I've see these guides pulling this large fish out all the time after a 15 to 20 minute battle with this fish.

At this time of year their hard to find because what information I've gethered they very easy to spook and head for the head water of the lake during the warmer months. During the fall, winter and very early springl they school in the main lake to feed in the morning and afternoon.
They will usually hang out deep during the day but this time of year is the only year they will school like this which makes possible to find them. I think trying to spearfish this stripers will be a big trial and error kinda thing making even harder for me with having no experience at all.

Happy Freediving and Hunting

Re: making a deal...

Originally posted by andrsn
i'll tell you what...

tell us where to meet you, tell us where these stripers hang out and we'll let you test any gun you like.
now, you've totally gotten my attention!

NO SHIT!! I'll let you try anything in my arsenal! But I think you're going to find that the Fed's consider the striped bass a game fish, as it is here in CA. Take along look at the JBL line of guns too; nice stuff for not so many peanuts.

Aren't "Daisy Dukes" still the uniform for the under 30 set there?

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