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In memory of Will Hedlund

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New Member
Feb 3, 2005
On Monday, June 23, my friend and colleague Will Hedlund went freediving at Molokini Crater off the south coast of Maui. Will was diving on what we call "The Deep Line" because it's the deepest mooring line in the crater at 104 ft of depth.

From what I can gather from witnesses and friends, Will pulled down the line and kicked up to the surface at least one time, presumably several times during his dive session. He wasn't wearing a wetsuit or any weights, just his mask, snorkel, and his Cressi 2000 HF fins. The last time someone saw him was when he was kicking up from the bottom at about 60ft. The next time he was seen, Will was floating face down on the surface and unconscious.

On the day of the accident, Will was diving alone. His Oceanic Atom 2 computer indicated that his last dive was 102 ft and lasted 2:21. After two days on full life support at the Maui Memorial ICU, Will passed Wednesday morning, June 25. It is presumed that Will suffered a shallow-water blackout. He was 25 years old.

Will came to Maui about one year ago on his honeymoon with his new wife, Rachel. They came to visit the Valley Isle from Nebraska and never went back home. They settled down in Kihei and both Will and Rachel soon took jobs at a local dive shop. Will quickly fell in love with the ocean. After getting his open-water, advanced, and rescue SCUBA certifications in quick succession, Will discovered his passion for freediving.

Although Will never received any formal freedive training, his enthusiasm and determination in pursuing his apnea goals and connecting with the sea were admirable by any standard.

I never dove with him, but on Will's last day, he was observed by a dive master leading a group of divers. The dive master indicated to his group that he saw something in the distance that must be a shark. After calling his group over and swimming toward the shark, the dive master realized "the shark" was actually Will gracefully kicking along the deep line.

Rest In Peace brother, we won't forget you.

Attached is a photo of Will and Rachel in the shop and below is a link explaining a bit about Molokini crater.

All About Molokini


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My condolences to you and to his family. There is something to be learned from your story, thank you for sharing.

To all that knew him, stay strong and just be there for eachother.
When I read stuff like this it really hits home. I didn't even know him but I am deeply sadened because he was an aquatic brethren with the passion for freediving.
my deepest condolences to his wife, their families and friends and relatives,his spirit and your memories will always be in your hearts,grieve his loss, celebrate his life.
say a prayer.
As Jim Doe said it really does hit home regardless of whether we knew the person or not there is some sort of bond or affinity in another person who loves the Ocean. I know most of us are aware of the dangers but love the ocean and its freedom regardless.

RIP Will and condolonces to his wife and family.
Will you were like a brother to me. Our family will never forget the time you moved in with us...that smile and laughter always remains in our house! We know that we will see you again someday, I wish it was sooner! You are and always will be a great friend, brother, husband, son, and mentor!!!

Elly Jean
My sincere condolences to his family and friends. Like most I've never met Will but feel a strong sense of affinity to him through the aquatic passion that joins us all. Rest in Peace.
Josh, I can tell that Will was a very special person by the way you've written this heartfelt memorial to him. I am deeply sorry for your loss. I am saddened to hear of this loss to the diving community and to so many people who cared about him. I feel a connection to other divers, even if I have never met them, and so I grieve this unfortunate tragedy.
Dive free, Will. It is sad you left so early.Condolences to family and friends.
How sad. So young. At least he died in a beautiful place doing what he loved.
God bless you, Will.

Your life was too short but I'm sure full of love and good things.
Very sad, sorry for your loss. Sounds like he was a great guy and loved the water.
My condolences and the thougts are with his family.
Learn from this freedivers, so his passing aint in vain, DONT DIVE ALONE. Honnor his memory by diving with a safety buddy.
What a peacefull way to die if you could pick one,

My condolences and thoughts go out to friends and family.

Rest in peace Will
Heartfelt condolences, we lost a nephew some time ago, and my daughter was asked to sing this song on the anniversary of his birthday.
This is just a little something to commemorate the pursuit of life,liberty, and the happiness I know Will Hedlund shared with his friends and loved ones.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7v27aJlDoU]YouTube - Tribute to fallen diver[/ame]
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why so young? I miss you very much, your family is in my prayers. I feel very blessed to have met you and Rachal. My time in Maui was truly special. I hope to see you again and I am thankful you passed doing something that you loved. I hope I can go out in the same manner. Much love to all that read this. Learn from it and dive with a lookout.

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