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Increase breath hold

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i dont do it just for that. it also makes your lungs grow so that more air can pass through at a time. i have felt the difference. it feels like my lungs are the size of a 2L bottle. it feels so weird. i dont know for sure but im guessing, bigger lungs means more air allowed in at a time. allowing for longer apnea.

watch out for oxygen narkosis (srry for spelling)
As far as I know, lungs cannot increase in size. I'm pretty sure about that, but if I am wrong, please someone correct me. You can do exercises that helps with flexibility, that's for sure. You can also maximize your lung volume by using your diaphragm properly. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can elaborate?

I think I read somewhere that if you don't use the Power Lung (or straw training) properly, your lung muscles can become stiff, just like how if you don't warm up and down after exercising, your muscles become stiff.

I've never heard of oxygen narcosis. What's that?
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it dosnt increase ur lungs, it makes them more flexibile so when u make ur diaphragm bigger ur lungs can increase with it, in turn allowing more oxygen.

if u straw train inproperly it wont stiffen ur lungs (im sure about that) i think it morphs the shape of them so that they are wavy, if u take big breaths. u need to learn to breath normally when doing this. DONT take big breaths, pause, big breath, pause, big breath, and so on.

oxygen narcosis is when there is a lot of air in your body so u feel like u can swim forever, but there is no air going to your brain, so more adrelelin is built up, so u think u can go farther, then less air and u eventually die..lol so stay away from depths u rnt sure of!!
oxygen narcosis is when there is a lot of air in your body so u feel like u can swim forever, but there is no air going to your brain, so more adrelelin is built up, so u think u can go farther, then less air and u eventually die..lol so stay away from depths u rnt sure of!!
No, that's not oxygen narcosis. That's hypoxemia. Or possibly hyperventilation induced hypoxemia - that's indeed the case when you have plenty of oxygen in your lungs and blood, but the brain is starved of oxygen because hyperventilation contracts the carotids supplying brain with blood, and it also increases the blood pH which then means oxygen cannot be easily released and used in its destination despite being present. That does not happen in depth though, but directly during/after the hyperventilation (at the beginning of your breath-hold).

Oxygen narcosis can theoretically occur in depth and would have similar effects like nitrogen narcosis, but long before that the nitrogen narcosis hits you anyway. And unlike at nitrogen, the oxygen in blood is being metabolically removed, so it does not pose much any comparable risk of narcosis in comparison to nitrogen or even CO2.

Besides the mentioned nitrogen narcosis, a much higher risk than oxygen narcosis for a deep freediver is oxygen toxicity - especially at extreme deep sled dives. You will find plenty of info about it here on DB - just enter the term into the search box and you get several interesting threads discussing it.
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Relax, close your eyes and try hear your heart in your head, exhail completely, fill up 85% and down you go as calm as possible. REPEAT AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE. Diving is the only real practise. And exercise!
Relax, close your eyes and try hear your heart in your head, exhail completely, fill up 85% and down you go as calm as possible. REPEAT AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE. Diving is the only real practise. And exercise!

Good advice for Paul, bit late perhaps (9 years in fact). As he is now 25 though, he probably needs to relax a bit more than when he was 16 rofl
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