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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Mar 9, 2000
How much are people paying for insurance?

I've just been quoted £25 (or £37 if I want to go deeper than 20m) as an add-on to my annual policy for 17 days diving.

Does anyone know of an insurer who will provide diving insurance?




It's best to check carefully any add-on insurance to normal holiday insurance as there are often limits to 10m or 15m (which can be restrictive).

If your a BSAC member check on the BSAC website [http://www.bsac.com] for info on their member deal insurance, there are others such as Divemaster insurance, all of which can be found in a good UK magazine such as Dive or Diver.

I'll have a further look for some more details and post back soon.


Stephan Whelan

Deeper Blue [ http://www.deeperblue.net ]
The Online Resource for the Underwater World
Insurance should be considered mandatory for all dive holidays - As others have mentioned BSAC is good for Europe/Red Sea whilst for the Americas and Asia/Pacific DAN is the main name in the game.
It is paying a premium that we hope that we never collect
I just got my insurance through DAN and it was $99 a year for their top of the line package. It is worth it! Heck I have wasted 99 dollars on a lot of things, but this is well spent!
Insurance caveats

Also a good idea to understand the local legalities as well to stop you getting ripped off.
When I went to Israel (not that many people will be planning to go there anytime soon) I had DAN insurance and the locals wouldn't let me dive unless I bought their local insurance as well. They said they'd had too many hassles getting cash out of DAN so they didn't accept DAN insurance.
I raised this when I got home and have found that I could have pushed back. DAN insurance was indeed valid and they had no right to refuse me diving on this basis.

This is one of the problems with an commercial venture. No doubt the dive centre received a commission on every policy sold so would push for their divers to buy their insurance as well. You proved that you had insurance and that should have been enough...
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