hey. yeah it must have the big eyed jack i was on about. didn't even know we get them here. the seas are really changing i think.
anyhow, got in this evening, at a nice spot on lettermor.
there's a slip, but i entered just south of the slip.
dropped into a big shoal of small mullet, and i even wondered what small mullet taste like fried. lucky for me i held off, to see if there was anything larger around. two nice mullet appeared through the shoal of smalls and i took the larger.
my first stone shot!
by the time he was on the stringer, there wasn't a mullet in sight, despite me having been as calm as a cucumber.
saw no more mullet after that.
swam on an found a shoal of sprat i think, about eight inches long, i've been seeing these since august, and they've gotten much larger than they used to be. anyhow, i managed to shoot one to bring home to eat, so i'd know if it tasted like herring. put it in my tattered backup net bag and swam on.
did a good few dives of around 6-8 metres. missed a nice pollock, as i took a hurried pot shot. saw no more nice pollock after that, but i did take a small one, as i haven't had any pollock in ages. there was only room on my conscience for the one however!
was in for around an hour and a half, with my 5mm elios and didn't feel cold, but i did keep moving. there was however an icey chill wind when was taking my suit off.
got some photo's of the fish, but i lost the sprat on the walk backto the car. trying to re-size the photo's now.