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ireland spearing 2009

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Happy new year guys.

i got out today, to a nice spot in a bay not too far back from my house.

on a tip off from a friend about the possibility of there being scallops in the area. well lets just say that the many hours i've invested in trying to find scallops over the past 18 months have just paid off.:)

got a nice haul of scallops. rofl put my simple recipe for the cooking of some of them in the recipes thread, but having dificulty linking to it.

anywho, it was great to get out as well. area was shallow, and my deepest dive was 4.5 metres, water temp was 7 degrees.

got in as the tide was turning, and there was a nice current when i got out. viz was great. all round good start to the year.

Also spotted a pipe fish, but alas i have no camera. perhaps from santa next year!


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Out West again today with Donnachad and Thunder. This time three scallop boats were dragging a little way offshore and the vis was much worse. I think they had the bottom well stirred up.
I got a dozen scallops and a nice crab. Not huge but better than most of the local crabs.
Hey guys, will be going relatively quiet over the next few months, as i try and finish up in college!:blackeye

However, thought i'd remind/let you know that the volvo ocean race is coming to galway this year. Should be a great event.:friday

Here's a link to the galway site and the official site.
the Irish entry is Green dragon, but there is also a boat skippered by a guy from limerick.

Volvo Ocean Race 2008-09, Galway Stopover May 23 - June 6 2009 - Lets Do It Galway

Volvo Ocean Race 2008/2009

Homepage Green Dragon Ocean Racing
Cheers for the links lads. Will prob still use msw as the wind one is handy too.
I might work permitting get up for some of the volvo race. Maybe we'll meet up if a few are heading there but i guess its gonna be pretty packed. never saw the quays look as good as they do on the virtual tour. have they much work done? I haven't been there in a while.
much done?roflroflrofl

a few floating pontoons on the Southwestern end of the dock and that's about it!

They'd want to get their arse in gear is what they'd want:martial

The virtual tour also seems to neglect that there are apartment blocks in certain areas and a road which runs straight through the race village?

No signs of removing the oil tanks on the NE end either. a friend of mine lives in one of the apts right on the docks, and i reckon i'll locate myself on his balcony during part of the festivities.:friday
nice weather were having eh? rofl
Happy new year everyone. just got my broadband sorted recently so dont have to go to my parents place to log on.
any more scallops thunder95?
Johnny, I think I met your brother yesterday when I went to look at a stranded fin whale in Courtmac bay. I didn't realise he was your brother at the time.
I saw the whale first on Friday when it was still alive, then again yesterday when it was dead and being cut up and removed. Interesting to see one close up but sad that it died. I forgot my camera both times!
We get the occasional dead whale washed up around here always very sad to see, we also get dead dolphin aledgedly killed in pair trawls also very sad to see!
How big is a Fin whale?
This one was 65ft.
We get many species of whale, dolphin and porpoise here and it's not unusual for them to wash up dead or to get stranded by the tide.
ouuu, very sad.

i looking to buy a new wetsuit, bur is some many company's making them , very hard to pick one. i was looking in effersub, sporasub, omer. what yous ca recommended...
Elios make very good suits if you don't mind waiting. Also scubastore have some good value off the rack