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ireland spearing 2009

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ya dave that was him alright. sad but a great research opportunity. He does autopsies (excuse my spelling) on them for the irish whale and dolphin group. Small world! how did u guess he was my sibling?:confused:
Elios all the way in relation to suits. dont get smooth though as too soft for the abuse when spearfishig. great warm suits. could stay in all day if it wasnt for cold feet and hands!
Any sign of a break in the weather?
All I really wanted today was a birthday swim and I got it ! We've had rough seas here for a week or so and I wasn't expecting any diving, but a couple of days ago the wind went North! Today I drove out West in fog and mist. Two miles from Bantry the sun came out and by the time I got to the dive spot the weather was beautiful.
Vis was only one metre but that was enough for scalloping. I had a new "best hunter" Okipa float and a sporran type belt bag for my birthday. I made 19 dives, picking up 15 scallops. All were legal, but I dropped the smallest couple back.
Diving in January sunshine, in a bay between two lots of stone hills/mountains, has to be one of my best birthdays ever. Vis was only one metre and most of the time I was scrapeing the bottom, but it was great.
I'm off to finish a bottle of "Mount Gay" rum now. Good luck everyone!
Cheers Dirk, enjoy the scallops.
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Welcome to the fishy forum Dirk, belated Happy birthday Dave, hope we can get out at the weekend.
Happy birthday for tomorrow Dennis. Saturday's looking OK for the bays out West. Wave Forecasts
The purple is swell less than a metre. Have you ever tried Bantry bay North? Maybe in the Glengarrif area? I didn't ring Thunder yesterday as I don't have his number but I bet he's tried a few spots round there.
I can't imagine whether vis will be good or bad in Bantry bay. It was poor enough in Dunmanus bay yesterday but Bantry bay's bigger and may have more sheltered water.
Just back from Mizen. I wanted to post pictures of the scenery but the tide crept up to my float and when I leaned out to grab it, my camera dropped out of my pocket:confused::confused::confused:.
I've soaked it in isopropyl alcohol and dried it a bit, but although it's charging it won't operate. I'm hoping it'll work after a day or two when it dries out more. It's a fuji finepix f31d and they aren't made anymore. I've got the underwater case so I'm loathe to buy a different model. Anyone want to sell me one?
On a happier note :) I had a good swim around, learned the area better, and got a reasonable bag of shells.(Fifteen). Vis was better at 2 metres instead of one.
Happy birthday for tomorrow Dennis. Saturday's looking OK for the bays out West. Wave Forecasts
The purple is swell less than a metre. Have you ever tried Bantry bay North? Maybe in the Glengarrif area? I didn't ring Thunder yesterday as I don't have his number but I bet he's tried a few spots round there.
I can't imagine whether vis will be good or bad in Bantry bay. It was poor enough in Dunmanus bay yesterday but Bantry bay's bigger and may have more sheltered water.
i tried today schull area vis was half a metre i catch scallops again,in bantry bay vis same like in dunmanus bay and the same problem with road acces.i will try another few spots tomorrow.
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Happy New Year all. I am still travelling betwen Galway and Aberdeen with work but the good news is I have finally got my boat to Galway (Spiddel). Looking forward to the better weather and hopefully some good spearing trips out to Aran Isles / Black Head. Maybe I'll finally manage to capture a bass for supper.

The Volvo race should be a specticle in Galway Bay, I'm definetly planning to be around for that. If anyone wants to team up for some spearing around that time I'll be keen.
Happy New Year all. I am still travelling betwen Galway and Aberdeen with work but the good news is I have finally got my boat to Galway (Spiddel). Looking forward to the better weather and hopefully some good spearing trips out to Aran Isles / Black Head. Maybe I'll finally manage to capture a bass for supper.

The Volvo race should be a specticle in Galway Bay, I'm definetly planning to be around for that. If anyone wants to team up for some spearing around that time I'll be keen.

i will defined give you Pm you when i coming over to Galway for Volvo racing.
it shud be good crack :)
i would love to get few hours under water. Aran island sound its good fish around there.
Yesterday I went to a cove in South Cork to look for crabs. I didn't take a speargun as I wasn't expecting any fish. First dive I swam straight up to a plaice of 1.5lbs or so. I surfaced to get my leg knife out, as I was out of breath by now. Needless to say, I never saw it again, and only saw the "5 inch long" ones after that.:confused::confused::confused:.
Donnachad and myself are going back this evening, for a night session and I'll be taking the Omer 75cm this time.
Water temparature has dropped to 6c here but there's no snow yet.
Sunfish if you get in to the flatfish scene big time you might want to adopt our method of holding a 1lb float weight in your hand while diving down. It is amazing how many fish you spot on you last few seconds of air, so you drop the lead next to the fish & then drop down again on a fresh breath.
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Good tip Foxy. I'll probably do that. I was underweighted for the depth yesterday so it'd help with the dive too. I'd send you some rep but I've got to spread it around.
Back again! We both saw fish (plaice), but only up to 8 or 9 inches. We both left them there. I saw a couple of small red mullet too. Wish I'd seen yesterdays plaice again!
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hey lads, great to hear people are getting out.

tough look on that plaice sunfish, i'm sure you'r paths will cross again:martial.

i've penciled st. paddy's day as my next outing ( also my next day off)
studying for my finals, so i've damn all time.:head

I've decided its time to get some longfins. Have my eye on Cressi gara 3000, think they should be a good fin for me. However it could be closer to the summer before i get a hold of them.

Saw a vid from underwater ireland from near black head in clare with a stinray in it. i'd heard there were stingray there but had thought it'd be once in a blue moon. it seemed to be pretty shallow as well. its on youtube if anyone would like to see it.

6 degrees is right sunfish. was 7 degrees when i was out new years day.
Yesterday Donnachad and myself dived for scallops out West again. Vis was good and the swell was less than I expected. We dived an hour or two. Water temp. was 8c. so not too cold either!
Tonight I drove 50 miles East to the spot where I saw the good plaice. I threw in half a bucket of scallop frills as groundbait then went back to the car to put my wetsuit on. That's when I realised I'd left my wetsuit at homerofl.
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thats rough dave.That would have definately attracted something worth taking......if your planning anything local enough let me know. ill pm you my number, heard you damaged your phne:crutch
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