Here's something that sparked my curiosity, as a result of a recent thread. I am an occassional experiencer of tinnitus, but it doesn't seem to be correlated to my diving (very).
Freedivers and nondivers alike, do you find that your tinnitus is correlated with your diving? This means that if you dive a lot and have no tinnitus, or if you have tinnitus a lot but never dive, you should say "not at all". However, if you never dive and never have tinnitus, or dive a lot and get tinnitus a lot, then you should say "very". Then there are some fuzzy values too.
Freedivers and nondivers alike, do you find that your tinnitus is correlated with your diving? This means that if you dive a lot and have no tinnitus, or if you have tinnitus a lot but never dive, you should say "not at all". However, if you never dive and never have tinnitus, or dive a lot and get tinnitus a lot, then you should say "very". Then there are some fuzzy values too.
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