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JBL mod?

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Morone saxatilis
Mar 8, 2003
Has anyone tried grinding/filing off the raised section of a jbl spear which catches the slide? I wanted to do this and drill a hole through the shaft to rig it euro style. I was hoping this would let it ride flat on the plastic rail and eliminate the noise of the slide hitting the spear. should also help minimally w/ speed and accuracy I would think.
JBL mod

What you have suggested will work. Try getting a non metal open muzzle for the gun as well. This will eliminate a lot of the noise. Try looking at Hanapaa website. If you cant find one, you can always cut open the muzzle with a hack saw. Reason for open muzzle is that it is faster to load and won't catch the crip or knot when you rig the shaft euro style. Personally I hate the slide ring as it would always malfunction during a dive. JBL guns will work but it has been my experience that they tend to have a lot of problems. I would not load more than three 1/2 or two 9/16 inch bands. Anything more and your trigger mech will start to malfunction.

Brad :martial
Will single crimped 400lb mono pass through the closed muzzle or do I have to hack it? Also where do I attach the shooting line, at the very end of the spear or 4-5 inches from the end? Thanks
I think you need to cut open the muzzle. Drill the hole a couple of inches above the last wishbone notch. Seriously check into the prefab open muzzle though. This made my old magnum a lot more quiet, accurate and faster to load.

Brad :martial
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