If you look at my past posts from year's past you'll see my diver retrieval system that has buoys on it to store gear in- and on.
This year I have made some changes to that system in that i have replaced the main weight bearing float with a dive kayak instead. This will mean we can run up to four different lines off of her on the first, shallow, day and three lines off of her on the second, deep, day. There will also be plenty of room to store water bottles, cameras and extra masks or fins.
Instead of a trolling motor to move it out on site I have used my freediving scooter instead.:inlove This year I will be able to just paddle it into place if I so choose.
Speaking of this year's event. the official dates are
July 14 and 15!
I have had quite a few questions about this in other threads, and in personal emails. I just want to make sure everyone knows the date. It also sounds like we will have some California boys joining us. That will be in addition to our normal groups from North Dakota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota and Texas. There has been some talk about people from Florida, Canada and Michigan making the trip this year- or they may just wait until next year when we have our 5 year anniversary. rofl
From what Dallas diver told me last year, it seemed that flying into Minneapolis was the best shot as it's a better drive there than from Chicago and cheaper tickets than from Milwaukee.
Some of us will be up there on Friday, or maybe even Thursday, to hold campground spots for the rest. These are group sites with lots of room on them. There are hotels a few miles away for the more delicate members who care to join us- Sven.
Let me know if you have more questions.