I've been thinking about this karma thing now, due to some recent discussions on these forums with rather 'angry' tone.
The usage of bad karma comes handy when judging the monthly sven contest, since some captions may exceed the boundaries of good taste, especially since we do have children judges.
But i dont think that bad karma should be given to someone in great anger or to someone who has opinion differing from yours.
Person who is already angered because of something in these forums will not be less angry after receiving bad karma, signed or not. But to post your own opinion of the matter might give the person insight of other way of vieweng the subject, and therefore make him / her less angry.
Differing opinions should also rather be discussed in public forums or private e-mails rather than with a karmic batle.
But to the good karma. I really like to give good karma to people. i like to think that i just might make someone happy by doing so.
I also have a tendency to sign good karma that i give. i like to introduce myself to the person i'm smiling to ..
I dont really have any opinion wheter one should sign his/her karma. But i do believe in hesitating when giving negative karma, give it another thought before you press that button.
Good karma for everyone.