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Kayak diving

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Hi Pablo,
I had to look twice at your first photo, the second time I realised what I was looking at and I smiled.

May you continue having the most excellent adventues,

Hey Baur,

From what I found they are a few traditional methods to build a DIY kayak.

-wood strips
-stitch and glue
-skin on frame

For a sit on the top none is ideal... but got this afternoon a couple of new books ($$$ thanks for that!) that describe another method to obtain a smooth and strong hull. They involve build a insulation foam male mold on a plywood frame. And then recover the mold with a kevlar and glass skin + resin impregnation. For a sit on the top you will need two molds to joint and obtain your boat.

I like the technique because of the ease, low tech, and a bullet prof result. He shouldn't take too long to build something decent.

I'll design a hull on Maxsurf (a performance boat design and analyze software), get it on to CAD (the cross cut shapes to cut in plywood) and more details on the manufacturing. materials price tag... about 6-700 $ (most of it the kevlar, 100% glass: not much but 40% or so heavier)

The sad think is that your place is not that close to NZ :waterwork ... I wouldn't mind to team up to get one of your BF.

Give me a couple of weeks and I send you the plans for the under hull. For the top one you will need to customize a basic design, and shape the sit you want. On the file you should get the basic lines for that. You can as well set some fittings to rig the tandem structure...
Reactions: Cingene
Pablo, after seeing your pictures, I realize that asking an amphibic vehicle from you was a sign of underestimation.
You are a true McGyver!!

Thanks alot for the effort. You got serious Karma coming your way.
Ill be eagerly awaiting your designs to begin Phase 1 . Ill begin doing the plywood frame in about 4 weeks when I take leave and fly to Greece. Ive got a good source of materials in the island (wood, fiberglass) so there will be no shortage.
If the construction is looking promising Ill start making the second one right next to it at the same time .

The location is the island of Kalymnos in Greece should you change your mind and want a shot at the beast BF!! You are more than welcome should you decide to. Chances are that Tamoshee will make an appearance also

I watched on tv the guy dived in piranhas and they did not touched him, may be those piranhas are misunderstood creatures just like sharks?????

By the way, i am not volunteer to test it
Piranas doesn't bite easily, they are scavengers and you don't easily see a hyena biting a living elephant!

But stick your finger on a 3 pound red piraña an you'll enjoy quite an experience: the claws snap hard and sharp. They as well fell attracted by anything meaty and worm looking, just the right size to have a bite... never swim naked!!!!

The rivers over there are amazing, with incredible white sand beaches, some of the best swimming I've never done and a wild live endless to describe; monkeys, jaguars, tapirs, birds, snakes, caimans...

The only real danger are humans, mosquitos, uras (a maggot that carve under your skin) and other biting parasites.

Baur: we should start a new thread on kayak building... is quite a bit to explain!
AAAARGH!!! Ive just had one of those DUH!! moments, I have genuinely been thinking what a silly idea a kayak was for spearfishing. That was untill I followed some of the links on this thread, how wrong can one person get? (ok dont answer that!) Thanks Guy's I have to get one of those. It'll do wonders for my chest too rofl.
Pab your a multi-talented genius
Ocean Kayak Scupper Pro's are good for spearing. However I went shopping for a kayak the other day and came across a Wilderness Tarpon 140. It has some features that make it more attractive then the Scupper.

Anybody have any experience with Wilderness kayaks? I'm 99% sure I'm buying one next weekend.
I currently use a Scupper pro Kayak, I love it. The older two hatch models are better that the new ones. Putting the heavier gear in the back helps it track. Which is a plus when coming back through the surf with a 100 lbs of fish.
Years ago I made a boat out of willows and a clear plastic sheet. The clear plastic made for a great viewing under water. My boat was too short to it didn't track very well. It was great for lakes and rivers but not so good for the Northern California coast line.
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