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Kona update

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Baron of Breathold
Oct 17, 2001
Just a quick report for anyone following Annabel's progress towards the November records' attempt.

Matt seems to have most of the logistics worked out and plans to run the mechanical details by some knowledgeable divers this week. The moon will be 'in between' and give the best chance of favorable weather and currents for ten attempts by at least four divers. Annabel put on her new Freeology wet suit and has been acting like it was Superwoman's cape. The bottom (73 meters) is now her limit for free immersion and constant balance, even with less than ideal conditions and/or preparation. The Fri. static sessions are progressing smoothly and I suspect she will do a record breaking one this week but, maybe not 'til 'coach' returns from DEMA.

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