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Lake Geneva.....quiet boat launch? Campgrounds?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2007
Can anyone from around here divulge a decent boat ramp that's not typically overcrowded at Geneva? It was indeed busy today.

Are there camp grounds up there?

I went and scoped it out earlier........looks like a reasonable place to train, and it's very close. I just need to get out there in deeper water.

Thanks for the info guys.

Jeremy B.
Here's a campground I've been interested in trying: WDNR - Big Foot Beach State Park

There are a couple of boat launches on the lake and I remember there being a DNR launch on the north end of the lake which was quite a bit cheaper than others in the area. Maybe Nick or Rob know a better spot to put in?

There a are couple of shipwrecks in the lake around 60' deep and some nice drop offs by the old amusement park. There used to be a pier that went out off of the park and the stanchions are still on the bottom. They are large concrete structures that have fish hiding in them and you'll find one about every 10' of depth all the way down past 100'.

I know of several semi-clear lakes in S.E. Wisconsin. Lake Geneva does has the Depth you are looking for.

I'm always looking to go freediving or spearfishing/polespearing with SOMEONE...Amazingly it's hard to find people to go, or to go with usually - at least locally.

Later in the fall most of the lakes will be crystal clear again. Same goes for spring time. We are VERY fortunate to have SO many lakes with decent visibility around here. Not many left in August due to algae blooms, but there are a few. Lake Geneva being one of the best...Year'round.

I'm self employed so I can take days off if I want to. I also finish up my day before noon quite often - I then usually end up at some lake for a few hours to freedive or polespear...Usually by myself :wave LETS GO!!!!!!!!

Ahhhhh. I see you live in Woodstock, Ill. - BTW.....The Bears still suck!!!! Ha!

Anyone can message me...If you live within' 30 minutes Milwaukee we're practically neighbors!
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