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lake michigan contour map

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New Member
Jan 4, 2007
I know I was on a website that had a very nice contour map of lake michigan in the kenosha area. I thought someone on this forum had directed me there, but now I can't find it. Does anyone know the website to which I am referring?
bglaeser, Ill get some pictures up of the lake. My dad is a big marriner and Has HUGE countures of the lake. Because we are talking about this, I am just wondering if anyone here would be interested in diving a place that the old man showed me. ( Ill point it out when I get the maps uploaded) But from what he showed me last night, there is a cool cliff about a mile out in the lake. The depth goes from 4' to 80'!!! So in theory we could take a boat out there, relax in the shallow's and dive off of this HUGE underwater cliff. idk I think that it would be really cool diving along a huge cliffside. I would also like to think that there would be a plethora of fish there. alothough Im not 100% sure on that. However the habitat seems to be ideal for fish and free divers. Also because of the shallow draft (it's pretty much a reef) we wouldn't have to be too concered with getting a propeller haircut from other boaters. well hope this helps and rest assured I will get the maps online as soon as possible! :)

I would be interrested in going...I could possibly chip in with a boat if it is not too far from Sheboygan. I have access to a 21' there.

Keep us informed.

Well I just looked at the map (the digital camera is charging) and the area that I am talking about, is between rowlies and north bay on the door peninsula, just look for. And also I accidentaly lied. The depth is 5' to around 60' but still, it's an immidiate dropoff so it still has the same sweet effect. Don't worry I will get the pictures some tome tonight or tomarrow. look for sister bay and draw a line straight east, untill you hit the lake again and that is pretty much where it is. (there is a small reef there, and possibly some dry ground)
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