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Laser Pointer - ?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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1 shot said:

I've been following this thread with some interest and decided to get in contact with a mate of mine who knows a bit about lasers...

Thank you for information.

I keep going forward but I don't have suffucient time to spend on this. Will inform you if I get practical results.

But still I'm glad to hear more information, opinions and experience.

Garett, looks like you're very familiar with pneumatics. Thought you might enjoy this monster, built by a Ukranian spearo.


miles said:

Garett, looks like you're very familiar with pneumatics. Thought you might enjoy this monster, built by a Ukranian spearo.



Nice video…

If you would like to watch some others – try this http://www.teamkampela.com/f/video.php

I never actually tried good rubber gun. My first gun was a rubber band gun - one of the local manufacturer models. It was weak. When I missed my first catfish – not big, a baby-catfish about 5-7 kg weight, because spear didn’t stick it through from 1.5m distance, I bought 110cm pneumatic gun. That gun had very basic design, but it was very powerful and robust. I could pump it as much as I needed. But main problem of pneumatics is – if you pump it well for large fish you will not be able to load it in the water. To reload my old gun I had to get out from the water to the land and push spear using my body weight against something.

Man who designed gun from that video installed some extra pump and as I understood he pumped-up pressure when spear was already loaded.

I’ve read in Russian internet that lot of people in Russia and in countries beside (like Ukraine) use hand made guns, and lot of them significantly better industrially manufactured guns.

I’m thinking to get a band gun to have a spare one and to compare to pneumatic.