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Laser sights for spearguns

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I agree that it is a fun idea and that it is fun figuring out how to improve equipment and setup. Probably it will turn out that laser pointers are unpractical for whatever reason.
However if it turns out that a laser pointer does work, then it would be a sight just like any other. Looking down the rail or the side of the barrel is the the same thing, a way of finding out where the extended line of the gun is pointing. If adding any kind of sight to a gun would raise the percentage of good stoning hits I think that would be a good thing. I at least do not have a 100% head or spine stoning hit rate.
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I am a firm believer of the KISS principle.
Keep It Simple , Stupid!
If you get so dependant on a battery powered device that shooting fish is too hard without it then a) you are missing the point of spearfishing and b) what happens when the batteries go flat?
takeshi said:
If adding any kind of sight to a gun would raise the percentage of good stoning hits I think that would be a good thing. I at least do not have a 100% head or spine stoning hit rate.
I just wish I could achieve a 100% hit the fish rate,trouble with the little buggers is that they wont keep still.

Without a doubt a fun thing, it even crossed my mind in a curious way to but anything that could make it easier to catch fish in a sport that requires so much practice is unsporting to bring up that word that always stirs up a hornets nest. The really fun part of spearfishing is its back to basics approach, where do you stop? Remeber that Beverly Hills cop gun? It shot a net out of the front ;)
I have no idea what your point of spearfishing is. I wouldn't be missing my point of spearfishing at all. If the batteries go flat you just aim down the rail and get a slightly lower percentage of stoning hits.
Honestly, we're not talking only GPS/no map/Really Big Jungle here... Running out of batteries isn't much of an issue to me.

I can appreciate the puritan view on spearing, and I probably wouldn't use optical or other aiming aids even if they were available. The musky waters of Scandinavia don't lend themselves that well for hunting anything further away than you can poke it with the gun anyways...

The question is (if there is one) - what is "good spearfishing"? Is it ethically sound to use aids? Where do you draw the line?

(Another dime spent)

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I bought a Russian underwater red laser for a speargun off E-bay a few years ago. Some of the dive shops were advertising them as well. Its power was way to weak to work underwater. I did some research back then and found the green lasers, like Eric was talking about, were several times more powerful. There was one made for a land gun that was waterproof, but waterproof doesn’t mean it would hold up at depth.

It would be interesting to see one that worked. Besides helping you aim, I wonder what the response would be from the fish. They are usually very curious about lights.
Heh heh, thats pretty good.
I have no doubt that James Bond would use a laser guided speargun, however Im going to stick to the basics, point and shoot. :martial
The way things are going here in the U.S I wouldn't put one on my gun(even though it would be usless) .People already freak out when they see me in my camo suit.
I agree also that red is useless at depth, but oply if you're relying on a source from the surface. Remember, you're bringing your own source of light down with you. There is no reason why 10 or so feet of distance between your light and the fish should be filtered. Now emitted power is another issue. If green lasers emit more intensity, then that would be the reason to go with green. Just my .02

It's funny how quickly people will jump all over technology. I assume their all diving in woolen suits w/ wooden hand spears, duck fins, and non-equalizabile goggles. It's good to see 'retrosubs' group will be growing :). B/C if you need Japanese neoprene, fiberglass fins, or a carbon fiber gun so help you...
defofthecrown said:
It's funny how quickly people will jump all over technology.
It's good to see 'retrosubs' group will be growing :).
You know Ive even heard that some make their own guns!!! ;)
Can you believe that?
forget the laser sight, what about guided spear? rofl rofl Solves the problems all in once...
Murat said:
forget the laser sight, what about guided spear? .

Maybe someone could make a rail for the spear to travel on while in the gun? :D :blackeye :crutch
that would be great.

I will inform you first, and put to the top of the list when i produced one. rofl
you can make a laser sight for a speargun easy enough. just buy a bb gun laser sight (daisy makes one thats more than good enough for speargun range) and enclose it an a miniature o-ring sealed glass tube (similar to the housing unit for underwater cameras). if you have a pneumatic gun you can attach it to the top of your gun, if your gun is band powered then you will either have to mount it on the very front of the gun (tricky), on the side(s), on the trigger mech, or come up with something very creative. either way, i would view it more as a training tool than as a permanent hunting device...but who knows. let us know how it turns out.
As one who doesn't even take a scoped rifle when he goes to Africa, I find this thread a little outre'. What are we headed to, GPS guided arrows on deer? Though I have great admiration for technology, some of its uses are a bit fluffy-headed, IMO. The next thing will be "Why don't we build a fishing lure that goes down and grabs onto the fish, then hauls it up into the boat and fillets it right there?" Grump, grump, grump!

Grouchy Old
I find it hard to take this thread seriously, but I can't resist one comment.

Many spearguns don't shoot where they are aimed. A stock Riffe Island, for instance, shoots very low because the gun has insufficient mass for the weight of the shaft and the thickness of the bands that it uses. So it recoils, the gun rotates around the handle where the shooter is resisting the recoil, the muzzle rises and pushes the rear of the shaft upward, causing it to be low right out of the gun, even before the effect of gravity.

If the laser sight was aimed right down the axis of the gun, you would miss. I guess you could crank in some elevation in the sight, but how much for which range?
I dont think the light would work but damn if yall havent once again figured out whats acceptable and whats not....you should all use pointy sticks because slings and polespears are too much tech. Dont even get me started on your fancy smancy teak guns with extreme triggers able to hold hundreds of pounds of fish impaling force....
rigdvr said:
....you should all use pointy sticks because slings and polespears are too much tech.

Pointy sticks, eh? Maybe for you, Mr. Modern-age. I'll just stick to sharpening my fingernails.

Also, I prefer to close my eyes and use the Force.
while we're taking all the fun and challenge out of spearfishing, maybe we should have lazer sights, and electrical shafts that stun the fish even if you miss, how bout hunting on scuba too, Oooo Oooo or CCR's!!

yeah, because their is sport in that :hmm

a mask, fins and a conventional speargun/pole spear kill fish just fine and make it sporting. why screw with a good thing?
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