Does anyone know how long tuna live and at what rate they grow?
Is there a weight/age ratio where you can crudely estimate the tunas age?
I read somewhere the largest bluefins weighing close to a 1000 kg were caught in the med near Sicily - how old would a fish like that be:hmm ?
Ive taken a few shots at tuna that hang around fishfarms in Greece but I never managed to land a big one (>60kg). At times ive seen world record yellowfin cruising below me at 7m but with the 110 euro I was holding at the time didnt dare to spoil the fish for no reason.
Having discovered the allure of the fishfarm I spent quite a few frustrating dives among the giants looking for a small one to shoot:duh.
Im trying to form a definitive approach to the technique of locating, hunting, and landing 100kg+ tuna, and am inviting those with experience to contribute their knowledge in this thread.
Is there a weight/age ratio where you can crudely estimate the tunas age?
I read somewhere the largest bluefins weighing close to a 1000 kg were caught in the med near Sicily - how old would a fish like that be:hmm ?
Ive taken a few shots at tuna that hang around fishfarms in Greece but I never managed to land a big one (>60kg). At times ive seen world record yellowfin cruising below me at 7m but with the 110 euro I was holding at the time didnt dare to spoil the fish for no reason.
Having discovered the allure of the fishfarm I spent quite a few frustrating dives among the giants looking for a small one to shoot:duh.
Im trying to form a definitive approach to the technique of locating, hunting, and landing 100kg+ tuna, and am inviting those with experience to contribute their knowledge in this thread.