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Liquivision F1 release date: April 20, 2005

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As an additional note, the reprogrammability of the F1 is awesome. There I was, with the F1 and two D3's inside a beaker of water, and the beaker was in the pressure chamber, to simulate underwater pressure conditions. After numerous pressure tests in the range of 10-66m, I wasn't happy with the F1 accuracy (at the time it was 1%). So I decided to fine tune the calibration coefficients. I removed the F1 from the water, dried it off, adjusted the coefficients in the C program, recompiled the program, and the downloaded the new software in the F1. Within less than 3-4 minutes, the F1 was underwater again, running the new software, this time with 0.35% accuracy. Unbelievable to be able to dry off a wet gauge, re-load the entire software, then put it back in the water just minutes later!!

Inside the dark pressure chamber, everything glowed yellow from the yellow display on the F1. In those dark conditions, of course, the D3's could not be read at all.

Example from the last two pressure tests:

#1 Pressurization depth 43.33m
F1 reads 43.3m (error = 0.07%)
D3 #1 reads 43.5m (error = 0.40%)
D3 #2 reads 43.6m (error = 0.62%)

#2 Pressurization depth 64.80m
F1 reads 65.0m (error = 0.30%)
D3 #1 reads 65.5m (error = 1.07%)
D3 #2 reads 65.4m (error = 0.92%)

And this is still with only a two point calibration method!! Production F1's will use a four to six point calibration method, dramatically increasing the accuracy even beyond the 0.2m or +/-0.35%.

However, here is something which is really disturbing. The D3's measured time quite accurately until the dive time went over 5 minutes. Suddenly the time accuracy decreased dramatically.

Here are the results from a test of the D3's, IN THE SAME PRESSURE CHAMBER, on the SAME simulated dive:

Pressurization depth 64.59m
D3 #1: 65.4m, time = 8'13"
D3 #2: 65.2m, time = 7'29"
[ time difference between the two D3's: 44 seconds! ]

Pressurization depth 65.14m
Water temperature exactly 13.5 deg C
D3 #1: 65.9m, time = 9'25", T=13 deg C
D3 #2: 66.0m, time = 10'11", T=12 deg C
[ time difference between the two D3's: 46 seconds! ]

How is it possible that the D3's show such different dive times??

Perhaps you could check the profiles on the d3s as I had a D3 that turned on and off (dive mode) at about 10m*(instead of 1m) but still read the correct depth on the bottom. Depending on how long it takes your pressure vessel to get to depth and back again this would be one potential explanation for the time differences. The dive profiles will show this up if it is the cause.

Having said all that I'm really looking forward to strapping on an F1 and leaving the D3 at home!

awesome work Eric

regards & respect

I wouldn't wanna put my live in scuba support, counter ballast and partners as well, not just a gadget. I rather just not BO.
Ofcourse even if there's no faliure it can't save you if you BO'ed in the last few meters or after reaching the surface, therefore you'de have to be pretty reckless to get a false sense of sercurity from it.
But it can still save lives, especially when something else fails...

Eric, your device seems wonderful...
I wish you had put a mosquito and stinger in that pressure test as well...
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You will need some athlete endorsement for marketing purposes!

Peter S.


  • 2005-4-8_f1_endorsement.jpg
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What a sexy pair! And what is that sleek thing that Martin's holding...?

I wore an F1 this weekend to go recreational diving and I loved it. Except this one displayed max depth, dive time, descent time, ascent time, max descent velocity, max ascent velocity, etc...etc... And in bright yellow! Amazing! No more squinting at depth. I can't begin to tell you all how exciting this is.

I'll be updating the website in the next week with photos of this weekend and hopefully once the PFI crew is finished, we'll get a more detailed report about the F1 Dive Assistant and how they liked it. Judging from the photo, the news will be good.

All the best to Mandy and Martin for the remaining attempts.

Hi yalll,
and most of all, the one and only, THE ERIK
Erik, i am amazed by what you have achieved with the F1. Not that much amazed by the design of it, possibly cause I am graphics designer, but I can uderstand the reasons for the design, and its very clean, which I like on the other hand. And most of all, it will be really a helpfull device, judging by all that has been revealed so far.
Just one question, will the clip on button be available too? because I think it would be quite clumsy to wear another stopwatch for timing my or other statics and so on.
Other then that, its a gem ... I really like the graphics display in inverse yellow .....

Thank you for your effort and wish you the best sales
If it's good enough for Martin and Mandy then I just got to have one

The F1 is still in Beta Testing, both in Vancouver and in Cayman, and soon in other countries. The mass release date is approximately June 10, 2005, estimated price will be CDN$730 or about Euro 450.00. This includes the watch, the charger, and the click-on button attachment.

Keep checking http://www.liquivision.ca for new updates.

Here is another cool photo:


  • darkd3_brightF1.JPG
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  • p95.JPG
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  • p98.JPG
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Hi Eric,

Please don't forget to add the "Black-Box" mode to the F1. This is to have the F1 to work 100%, but without the display... and when you connect it to your laptop you will have all info. (maybe you should have one small LED blinking in a corner so you know it's in Black-Box mode)


What is the main reason you want the black box mode? The F1 has several power saving options, and in power saving mode it works for a very long time on one battery charge (2 weeks or more).
Hi Eric,

The main reason to have competitions where you going to a certain depth, and try to hit or come close to this depth without a computer on you. We will have the first competition in Sweden in August...

an other question, will the F1 have some kind of "auto - off" funktion? ..and if it has, can you controll this funktion?

By the way, I did test your F1 on Cayman... and without doubt's, I can say that the F1 is the best freediving computer ever.... (and yes, I have try them all

...but of course, you really have to be "in" to apnea, to rally have use for everything in it.

Bill Stromberg
Why not forget the black box mode, and just make it so the F1 doesn't display anything DURING THE DIVE, but only displays the depth reached AFTER the diver reaches the surface?
hmm... this could work, we can call it black-box mode anyway ;-)

...how about the "auto-off" funktions??

Bill Stromberg

With the software options as they are now, you can simply choose which elements for the dive mode display are ON or OFF.

For example, for freedive dive mode:
-dive time: on
-depth: off
-velocity: on
-temp: on
-battery: on

Or you could turn all elements OFF to have a blank screen and then when you surface, the F1 goes into review mode and shows your depth reached and all the other info you could ever want.

That is a very easy way for you to have a black box mode.

By "auto off" do you mean that the gauge will turn off after a certain amount of time after the last dive. No problem, you can set that to whatever time you want.

Hi Eric,

Sheer genius, as usual.

On suggestion for your web-site would be a simulation -- i.e. a web page that shows a virtual F1 faceplate along with film of a corresponding dive -- maybe even one of Martin or Mandy's record dives. If the simulation could be driven from an actual log of their dive, then so much the better.

Another suggestion would be posting sample log files on the site, so that people could toy around with post-processing of their data. For example, Jersey Jim has done some calculations such as "total bottom time for the day" etc.
Hi Pezman,

That is in the works. The F1 itself will have a demo mode as well.

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