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Loading a band at rest shaft?

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New Member
Jul 2, 2023
Helll all, I understand exactly what the function od a rest tab is. My question is could one load two bands at the 2 most rear tabs and cut a third band much shorter and load it to the rest tab for even more power?
It would probably depend on the muzzle design and trigger mech strength. And the rubbers used.

But it's easy to obsess about power and forget other important factors, such as handling, drag, loading speed, etc.***

I believe one of the recent Omer Cayman models came with (or capable of supporting) 3x14mm bands, which seemed like it could be handy configuration. Maybe use 2 bands normally and fit 3 for those special trips! :D

***Easy for me to say, in GB water we rarely see huge fish these days (but there are a few visitors occasionally!).:
The answer isn't straight forward, but more power can definitely work against you. Assuming the shaft fins hold, yes, you can add more power by utilizing the rest tab should the muzzle and trigger mech allow. I found very early on in my spearfishing experience that I needed to back off on power. Recoil will become an issue, and so will shaft whip (depending on your shaft stiffness and thickness).

I'd recommend adjusting your power to obtain accuracy, then slowly increase band strength.
It's easy to over power a standard banded gun, but I've experience over-powered regular and invert rollers as well, causing bad shots.
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